Design an England Cricket Shirt

As well as it being National School Sports Week, it is also National Cricket Week. The England and Wales Cricket Board have released a competition for children under the age of 16. All you need to do is design your own England shirt for the One Day Team. The winning entry will have their design printed as a one-off by kit manufacturers New Balance. Follow the link below for more details about how to enter.

National School Sports Week 2020

It is currently National School Sports Week. If you have Facebook, you may have noticed that we have been setting you daily challenges to have a go at. We would like you to be filmed performing your best challenge and we would love your video to be posted onto our school’s Facebook page. If you don’t have a Facebook account, the challenges are below and you could send us your video clip via email. Have a go!



The Little Artists Challenge😊💞🥰

‘The Little Artists Challenge’ is a project to team up 1,000 local children and the professional artist, Sarah Evans -our regular artist in residence- to encourage creativity and to produce a large scale community art piece, inspired by nature, for local display. Children of all ages are encouraged to observe bugs, bees, flowers or any natural forms and produce a picture to be sent digitally to Sarah. The pictures will then be adapted to form a patchwork of images on silk painted canvases.

‘The little Artists Challenge’ Sarah is  aiming to produce a multiple, patchwork style, canvas creation using images inspired by the art work of 1,000 children. The theme will be the ‘natural world’, the final pieces to be displayed locally for all to see.

Sarah needs colourful pictures of any natural form that you can see around you. Perhaps take a walk, explore your garden or simply look out of your window to find something that inspires you. It could be a single bug or creature, a flower or a leaf or a whole tree, it is up to you! It doesn’t have to be very detailed, just a bold, clear image works best. Pictures need to be A4 sized, in any medium (paint, crayon or marker pen for instance) and clearly marked with your first name and age on the front.

Please send a digital copy to  Sarah Evans at alternatively e mail it into school at

Sarah will then adapt all the pictures sent to her to compose multi image silk paintings on a collection of large scale canvases. Some will be traced, some will be enlarged or shrunk to fit into the design but it will be the children’s work that is directly informing the end result.

St Georges Community Rock Snake

Rock Snake!

Good afternoon everyone! 😊

Several groups within the St Georges community have decided to come together to make our own rock snake. You may have seen ‘Percy’ the rock snake which is based in Priorslee. It is fantastic and has hundreds of painted rocks. We would love for you all to get involved in our own snake!

A fantastic artist, Sarah Jayne, has painted the head for our snake and it has already been placed at the main entrance to Little Dragons. This will then lead down towards the ‘Flash’.

Please join in and add your own colourful rocks and let’s see how long it grows. We can’t wait to see your creations!

Super Scientists!

Beautiful Bubbles!

Can you make your own bubble mixture?

Can you make your own bubble wand?

Can you find anymore bubble facts?

Over the next two weeks we would like for our Nursery and Reception children to experiment with bubbles!

Activity ideas can be found here- EY Bubbles

We would love to see your bubble creations in school, please email your beautiful bubble creations to

Science of bursting bubbles has its bubble burst -

Super Scientists!

‘Whatever goes up must come down’

Can you research Sir Isaac Newton?

Can you make a helicopter spinner?

How slowly can your spinner go?

Can you adapt and modify your design to change the speed of your helicopter spinner?

Over the next two weeks we would like for all year groups to experiment with helicopter spinners!

Activity ideas can be found here- Whole school spinners

We would love to see your helicopter spinner experiments at school, please email your fabulous experiments to

Papercopter | HowStuffWorks

End of term dates

Dear Parents,

I do hope you are all well and keeping safe.

I am writing again to continue to keep you informed. The school year will finish for all children on Wednesday 15th July, including for the children of key workers.

We plan to open school on Thursday 16th July and invite Y6 children only in to do something special for them, as they will be starting at various secondary schools in September. This will of course be subject to social distancing and will involve the Y6s being in small groups, as we have been doing with the pods. Further details will be sent out to Y6 families but we do wish to stress that this could change should new guidance come in for schools before then.

Clearly, these dates are all open to change as we are still awaiting news about what will be expected of schools in September. We also have not been told if school buildings will be used over the summer holidays.

As always, I will update you when I know more. Thank you once again for your continuing patience.

Mrs Sixsmith

Whole school update letter 16.6.20

Please read attached letter which was emailed to all parents earlier today. Please note that the Government have now announced that they will be funding the Free School Meals Vouchers over the Summer holidays which is great news.

Update letter to parents final 16.6.20