Mathsframe Website

We have recently purchased a subscription to a website called ‘Mathsframe’ where our children can log-in to access a wide range of games to play at home.

Your children will be bringing home the username and password soon that they will require to access all of the games that are available.


Walk to School Week | Living Streets

This week at St George’s we will be promoting Walk to School Week.

This is a five-day walking challenge that begins on Monday 15th of May. It encourages children to travel actively to school every day of the week. This could be walking, cycling or scooting to school. If it is not possible to walk the distance, you could ‘park and stride,’ which means parking further than you normally would and walking the rest of the way. 

During the week, the children will meet various animals and they’ll learn about the important reasons to walk and the difference it can make for individuals, communities and the planet! Each animal will educate the children on one of the following reasons: Inclusion, Sustainability, Health, Mindfulness and Friendship.

Good luck!

Sheep shearing and wool

Over the last week in nursery the children have loved learning about sheep and wool. We have sheared sheep, investigated the textures of different wool types, shared humorous stories on sheep, sung sheep nursery rhymes and learned about everything that can be made from wool!

Nature investigation!

The children in nursery love using resources out of the drawers outside to go on a mini beast hunt, they explore all areas of the nursery yard to find many different kinds so they can observe and learn about them together. Throughout their brilliant bug hunting they have developed their team work and communication skills whilst being kind to nature and being very brave!

Coronation Celebrations!

This week in nursery we have been learning all about the King and his coronation. We have focused on the book ‘The King’s Runaway Crown’ written by Rosalind Spark and Ian Smith, this humorous story of a coronation caper has helped us extend our vocabulary, learn about London, the Royal Family and contributed to our matching pair cards. The children loved making crowns and having a royal party with dancing and merriment!

Observational flower painting

Last week in nursery the children created observational paintings of flowers, they looked carefully at the shapes and colours, then began to paint their pictures using their fingers or brushes. They created many beautiful paintings of our spring flowers!

Spring sequencing

The children have been having a great time at the investigation station, they have worked hard to think and discuss what happens in each of their chosen sequences and managed to put the pictures in order and on the correct number to fill the sequencing cards. What super sequencing nursery, well done!