Bulb planting!

Last week, with a focus on the season of spring the children have been excited to plant their own bulb, they filled the plant pot with compost to make the bulb a comfy bed, made sure the roots pointed down towards the ground and the shoot upwards, then added more compost to cover it up. The children are now looking forward to watering their plants and watching them grow over the next week in nursery!

Mr Wolf’s Pancakes

Last week in nursery we learned about Shrove Tuesday, we had a very busy week of sharing stories, Mr Wolf role play, pancake races and flipping, matching pairs, pancake counting, Mr Wolf threading, funny face pancakes, pancake tasting and citrus fruit exploration. We all had a fabulous time!

World Book Day 2023

Today we celebrated World Book Day!

It was brilliant to see the children all dressed up as their favourite book characters and wearing their comfy pyjamas. The children spent the day listening to stories, reading and talking about books.

As part of the day, a member of SLT (Senior Leadership Team) visited each class to read a story and each class took part in some buddy reading with a different year group. Here are some pictures!



Competition Time!

St George’s Word Book Day Competition Time!
Children in all year groups are asked to listen to Mrs Sixsmith read this story called ‘Tell Me a Dragon’ by Jackie Morris. Year 4 and 5 have already heard her read it today in school.
Click this link to listen: https://youtu.be/ERiJFjEiqGg
She would love as many children as possible (in all year groups) to then write about and/or create their own dragon. They can draw, paint, sculpt, use lego…whatever they like!
All children taking part will get a dragon certificate to say well done and there will be prizes for the most impressive dragon designs/descriptions. By listening to this recording of the story, the children may pick up some helpful ideas!
All completed dragons/written descriptions need to be in school by Monday 20th March please. They can be handed in at the office or to class teachers. Make sure any entries have your child’s name and class on it please.

Big Battery Hunt

This year we are taking part in ‘The Big Battery Hunt’. This is a nationwide programme which aims to help educate and inspire young people to recycle more used batteries.

We are hoping to recycle as many batteries as possible to be in with a chance of winning some amazing prizes for school!

If you have any batteries at home please bring them into school so we can recycle them and add them to our total, we will keep you updated with how many we manage to collect. ?

If you want to find out more please visit the Big Battery Hunt website.




People we love

Over the last week we have been talking about people we love, our focus book of the week ‘love grows everywhere’ has helped us extend our vocabulary while encouraging the children to think about different people and things in their lives that they value and love. We have been very busy making valentines cards, art hearts, playing number matching pairs, story matching pairs and singing songs about friendship.