Forest School

This week in nursery we had our first Tuesday afternoon Forest School session, the children loved exploring in the woodland and learning how to keep themselves safe while developing a passion for the natural world.

4th November Diwali celebrations

In nursery we have been learning about Diwali. We have shared stories and learned about children’s experiences of Diwali. On Thursday we wore bright clothes to celebrate, coloured Rangoli patterns and practised using scissors to make lanterns to decorate our classroom, we all think they look very pretty!

Children in need, Spotty cooking!

Today in nursery we did some spotty cooking for Pudsey day. We worked as a team while looking at the recipe, ingredients and method to make some delicious smarties cookies. We realised as we stirred, the mixture became more difficult to move around the bowl and we could only manage to stir for five seconds each! At the end of the session we all took one home and gave the extra ones to people who help us in school.

If you would like to make some cookies at home here is the recipe we used

Parachute Play

Today in nursery we got the parachute out and decided to play outside with it. We had so much fun holding the handles and shaking the parachute and lifting it up and down.

10th November World Science Day, beautiful bubbles!

Today to celebrate the wonderful world of science, we used different recipes to make bubble solutions, after we had made our own bubble wands we went outside to see if we could gently blow bubbles ourselves. Later on Miss Whittaker showed us some huge bubbles that she made with a special bubble wand! We all had lots of fun talking about the colours and sizes of the bubbles we made.

WB 1st November Fireworks!

Today we watched some fireworks on the big screen, we shared our own experiences of fireworks, noting on the board the wonderful words we used. We then created firework paintings choosing our paint colours, We all loved watching the colours changing in the paint as they mixed together. When our painting had dried Miss Lees set off an indoor star cannon so we could add some sparkle to our fireworks!

Nursery Forest School

During our final Forest school session for the half term the children wanted to experience a campfire. They learned about how to build and extinguish a fire safely and loved reflecting on their sessions to celebrate their achievements while eating marshmallows, we all had a fabulous time!

Diwali celebrations in nursery

This week in nursery we have been celebrating Diwali, we have listened to stories about the festival of light and Rama and Sita. We have most enjoyed sparkly ribbon dancing and making Diwali lanterns.

Art and History week

Last week in nursery we looked at photos of what our school building used to look like and discussed what had changed. After looking at the artist LS Lowry’s paintings from the 20th century we made our own art of our school by using his ‘matchstick’ people technique. We all worked as a team to produce a masterpiece! We made children out of pipe cleaners, playdough, pen, and photographed shadows to add to our school playground, we are all very proud of our art work.

The European Day of Languages

Last Monday in nursery we celebrated the European day of languages, we immersed ourselves in Italian and had great fun learning some every day words, looking at a map of Italy, colouring flags and making playdough pizzas with pasta toppings!

If you would like to learn some Italian words with your child have a look at this wonderful youtube video from Rock and Learn (77) Learn Italian for Kids – Numbers, Colors & More – YouTube