Keep waddling!

This week in nursery we have continued our work on penguins, we have painted penguins to put in our books, made some carboard tube penguins and coloured some penguin masks so we can waddle and play role-play penguins! We have also been developing our language by playing where is the penguin?

We would love to see any penguin work that you do at home, please email us on the following email-

Here are some links to activities that we have been using in Nursery,

Andy’s Party Penguin Rap – BBC iPlayer – Andys Raps – Animal: 8. Party Penguins

Penguin Mask – t-tp-5982b-penguin-role-play-mask-super-eco-black-and-white

Cardboard tube Penguin – t-t-4847-make-a-cardboard-tube-penguin-activity-_ver_1

Where is the penguin game – t-t-2545341-where-is-the-penguin-positional-language-picture-cards

Who is at the zoo? Welcome To The Zoo (

We hope you have a super weekend,

The Nursery Team


Penguins have waddled into nursery this week!

This week in nursery we have started to learn about penguins, we have been looking at lots of books with penguins in, played with small world penguins, followed a penguin dance on YouTube and painted penguins to make our Lost and found display.

We have also developed our fine motor skills by drawing penguins and cutting out shape penguins.

Here are some useful links if you would like to do any penguin work at home.

Penguin song Penguin Song ♫ Penguin Dance Song ♫ Brain Breaks ♫ Kids Action Songs by The Learning Station – YouTube

How to draw a Penguin with Squigglet Get Squiggling | Penguin | S1E25 – YouTube

Shape penguin scissor skills t-t-2545340-shape-penguin-activity-sheets_ver_1

We would love to see any penguin work you do at home, as usual you can email us on

Stay safe and have a fabulous weekend,

The Nursery Team

Phonics Play is now FREE!

Phonics Play website - Blog

PhonicsPlay is a website that offers interactive phonics games and downloadable resources across the ‘Letters and Sounds’ phases. The site will once again become free for a period of time whilst the majority of primary schools are closed.

You may log in with the following details:

  • username: jan21
  • password: home


PhonicsPlay comics are short, simple, silly comics that can be used to help children apply the skills that they have learned in daily phonics sessions. The comics can be printed out as PDF files or simply viewed online. They should be viewable on most devices but will obviously be easier for children to read on larger screens.

Use this resource to revisit particular sounds that your child is struggling with or as additional reading material for you at home.

Seasons Calendars   

This week in nursery we have been busy looking at the seasons of the year. We have learned the seasons song, which you might like to look at if you’re at home – Seasons Song for Kids (Autumn Version) | Pancake Manor – YouTube

We have found out that there are four seasons and learned what the weather is like in each season. We have made our calendars by decorating one tree for each season.

We hope you have a lovely weekend,

Stay safe,

The Nursery Team



Happy Birthday Reggie!

Everyone in nursery would like to say a massive Happy Birthday to Reggie! We hope he is having a marvellous Birthday!

Happy Birthday Nathan!

Everyone in nursery would like to say a massive Happy Birthday to Nathan! We hope he is having a marvellous Birthday!

This week in Nursery…….

This week in nursery we have had a super week, we have welcomed each other back after the Christmas holidays as well as welcoming some new children into nursery too! We have drawn pictures of things we have done in our Christmas holidays and talked about why some of our nursery friends are not in nursery at the moment, both the children and nursery team hope they had a wonderful Christmas, we would love to see any pictures that the children may have drawn at home, please email them to

Today in nursery Nemo thought it was very cold on the playground, the children loved playing in the snow, then we all came in to warm our hands!

We hope you have a wonderful weekend,

Stay safe,

The Nursery Team

A big thank-you to our Nursery children

Nursery is looking very festive and beautifully decorated, our Christmassy look is all produced by our super nursery children, they have decorated our tree and coloured in lots of paper chains to hang around the classroom, they had lots of fun! We think you will agree they have done an amazing job, we would like to say a big Thank-you from the Nursery Team.

Making Santa’s beard Fluffy!

In nursery we have been talking about having advent calendars at home, to help us recognise numbers we have sheets with Santa’s face on with numbers from 1 to 25. Throughout December we are sticking cotton wool onto Santa’s beard to recognise the right number for the date.

Speckled Frog Counting

This week in nursery we have had a week of Speckled Frogs! We have been counting, adding one on and taking one away, recognising numbers and re-enacting the rhyme with our frog masks. We have also made a wonderful display to use when counting in nursery.


If you would like to sing the specked frog song with your child here is a link to the song that we use in nursery Five Little Speckled Frogs | Nursery Rhymes

Have a fabulous weekend,

The Nursery Team