Keeping Active Bingo Card

Bingo Card

Thank you to everyone who sent in their video clips of them completing last week’s various National School Sports Week Challenges. The final challenge, set last Friday, was to have a go at the various activities included on the attached Bingo Card.



National School Sports Week 2020

It is currently National School Sports Week. If you have Facebook, you may have noticed that we have been setting you daily challenges to have a go at. We would like you to be filmed performing your best challenge and we would love your video to be posted onto our school’s Facebook page. If you don’t have a Facebook account, the challenges are below and you could send us your video clip via email. Have a go!



Super Scientists!

Beautiful Bubbles!

Can you make your own bubble mixture?

Can you make your own bubble wand?

Can you find anymore bubble facts?

Over the next two weeks we would like for our Nursery and Reception children to experiment with bubbles!

Activity ideas can be found here- EY Bubbles

We would love to see your bubble creations in school, please email your beautiful bubble creations to

Science of bursting bubbles has its bubble burst -

Super Scientists!

‘Whatever goes up must come down’

Can you research Sir Isaac Newton?

Can you make a helicopter spinner?

How slowly can your spinner go?

Can you adapt and modify your design to change the speed of your helicopter spinner?

Over the next two weeks we would like for all year groups to experiment with helicopter spinners!

Activity ideas can be found here- Whole school spinners

We would love to see your helicopter spinner experiments at school, please email your fabulous experiments to

Papercopter | HowStuffWorks


We hope you liked taking a walk on the wild side for the last couple of weeks with our wild animal activities! We loved seeing the work you have done on the nursery email. For the next fortnight we will be learning about dinosaurs.

Dinosaur Clipart Landscape - Dinosaur Cartoon , Transparent ...

You can find lots of fun activities and ideas here to support your learning 5- Dinosaurs (including a nursery favourite – PE Sticky Kids, Do you like dinosaurs?)

Please do email us on as always we would love to see your super work to celebrate your efforts together.

Stay safe and be kind,

Love from the nursery team.

Good morning

Good morning everyone.

I hope you’re well.

If you’re finding it a bit tricky at the moment to get your child motivated, there are some ideas below for things you are probably all already doing that you don’t realise count as learning.

They are taken from the website Worcester Speech and Language which has lots of hints and tips on ways to help your child if they are finding the current situation difficult.

As always, feel free to email us at if you need any help/advice or just want to show us what the children have been up to-we’re missing them all a lot.

Everyday activities that count as learning

Wild Animals

A big hello from everyone at nursery, we hope you had a super half term and had lots of fun with your family. We have been enjoying the sunshine and missing you all.

For the next couple of weeks we will be learning about wild animals, ideas for learning can be found here  4- Wild Animals

Please do email us on we would love to see your fabulous work!

Stay safe and be kind,

Love from the nursery team.

Baby zoo animals clipart kid 4 | Animais silvestres, Animais ...


Fabulous Farm Animals.

Good morning nursery, I hope you are keeping safe and well and enjoyed our Superhero weeks, I loved seeing the work that your parents have sent on the nursery email, well done and thank you!

For the next couple of weeks we thought we could have a look at farms and farm animals, ideas for home learning can be found here 3- Farm animals

We hope you have lots of fun and would love to see your work, do remember to email us on

Farm with animals - Download Free Vectors, Clipart Graphics ...


You are all Superheroes!

We hope you are all safe and well being ‘stay at home superheroes’, we are very proud of you. Here are some superhero activities to keep you busy over the next two weeks. 2-Heroes

Remember we would love to see anything you have been doing so please do email us on-   so we can celebrate together.

Stay safe and happy,

Love The Nursery Team