Exciting News!

Hello, we are very excited that we now have our own email address in nursery! If you need activities to keep you busy the current ones can be found here-  1-my home and weather  and on the nursery homework tab. We would absolutely love to see anything you have done, as we now have the opportunity to celebrate your effort and share your pride! Please do email us on


We hope you are keeping safe, well and happy, we are all very proud of our St George’s children and community.

Reading books.

We hope you’re enjoying lots of story times at home.

In the term before they start school, Nursery children normally take home some of our early phonics books to share with parents.

If you register with the website below as a parent, you have access to several online books you can share with your child. There are picture books to talk about and mini activities to do.



New work- My Home and the weather

Good Morning to our fabulous nursery children and parents.

We know that things are a little odd at the moment, we do hope you are staying safe at home and doing lots of fun things together with the people you love.  Miss Whittaker, Miss Lees, Mrs Bowyer and Miss Tong all miss you very much and cannot wait to see and hear about the fun things you have been doing.

We thought over the next couple of weeks you might like to do some work about your home and the weather. We have popped some ideas at the bottom of the page for you to have a little go at, you can do as much or as little as you like. There are also a couple of activities on the 2do section of Purple Mash, that can even be seen by a teacher to comment on.

The most important thing for you to do is have fun, smile and stay safe at home, this is our biggest challenge yet in nursery but we know we can do it as a team, we are all sending you hugs, smiles and happiness.

1-my home and weather


Home Activities


Looking at books-

Can you hold the book the right way up and turn the pages? Tell the story from the pictures. What was your favourite part? Can you remember?


Drawing/chalks/painting pictures-

Use your imagination, draw a toy or draw anything you like – remember to use your rabbit’s ears on your rabbits’ nose to hold your pencils.


Junk modelling/using child scissors/Sellotape-

Get creative with anything you can find What can you make?


Name Writing/colouring in- 

Practise writing your name- remember to use your rabbit’s ears on your rabbits’ nose to hold your pencils. Colour a picture.



What can we count?  Steps/claps/fingers/fruit/cups.  Setting the table for dinner/Teddy bears picnic – counting cutlery.


Singing and dancing-

Teach your family a song we sing at nursery. Sing, dance and have fun.


Bug hunt in your garden-

What bugs can you find?


Use a computer –

Go on your Purple Mash account, or play other age-appropriate games on CBeebies.


Cooking with an adult –

Follow a recipe and make something delicious.



Play with toys, sand, play-dough, water, small world toys etc.


Being kind and helpful-

Help your family with jobs around the house? Do something kind for your family, use kind words, hug your family and do something together.