Wild Animals

A big hello from everyone at nursery, we hope you had a super half term and had lots of fun with your family. We have been enjoying the sunshine and missing you all.

For the next couple of weeks we will be learning about wild animals, ideas for learning can be found here  4- Wild Animals

Please do email us on nurseryteam@stgeorgesschool.org.uk we would love to see your fabulous work!

Stay safe and be kind,

Love from the nursery team.

Baby zoo animals clipart kid 4 | Animais silvestres, Animais ...


Reception to return to school from Monday 8th June

Dear All,

Please read the attached letter which will also be emailed to everyone today.

Please note that it is essential that we hear from every reception parent via email by 1pm on Tuesday 2nd June. Further details in the letter here Opening 8th June final

Many thanks.


Key worker children-essential to book your place please

Current key worker families: As more children are now coming in to school as key workers, it is essential that you book your child in with us. If you do not book them in, we may not be able to have them on that day due to numbers. Please email admin@stgeorgesschool.org.uk to let us know you childcare requirements for weeks beginning 1st and 8th June by tomorrow midday at the latest. Thank you.

New key worker families: If you are a key worker and your child is coming into school for the first time since lockdown, it is essential that you book a place for them by emailing admin@stgeorgesschool.org.uk. If you do not book them in, we may not be able to have them on that day due to numbers. We are asking for you to email your childcare requirements by midday tomorrow for weeks beginning 1st and 8th June. Thank you.

From Monday 1st June, we will be organising the classrooms a bit differently for key worker children in light of the new risk assessment we have done following national and local new guidance. This will include a one way system for dropping off and collecting your child. We will email all key worker parents tomorrow with a detailed plan once we have final numbers of children who will be coming into school. The full Risk Assessment will be added to the school website later today.

Please note, at this stage school is only open to key worker children and vulnerable children. As soon as we know more, we will let other groups/year groups know a start date.

Thank you for your patience.

Guidance for Education Settings


Dear Parents,

We hope you are all safe and well.

As you will be aware, we are currently open for children of key workers and vulnerable children. Please note the following:

  • children, parents, carers and visitors not to enter the school if they display any symptoms of coronavirus
  • parents and carers must contact the school as soon as possible if they believe their child has been exposed to coronavirus
  • parents please stay 2m apart from each other when dropping off and collecting children
  • children to not bring any equipment into school from home, including school bags, other than their packed lunch and a water bottle
  • parents and carers asked to not come into the school building other than if collecting your child from the office before the end of the school day
  • if coming into the school entrance to speak to the office, only one parent in at a time. Please wait outside until the space is free to ensure social distancing
  • parents and carers are asked to email or ring school if you need to speak to staff

Please see attached poster for details regarding the latest symptoms and how to stop the spread of the virus.

Thank you.

Re-opening for more pupils up-date 22.5.20

Following scientific evidence and through our own risk assessments, St George’s will not open to reception children as planned on 3rd June and it is unlikely nursery will start on 8th June. It is important to wait to see what guidance we will now be given nationally and locally. We do not want to rush this decision as everyone’s safety is vital. We will keep you all updated when we know more. We will continue to provide childcare for key worker families. Thank you for your patience

Nursery Hours

Good Morning, I hope you are all safe and well, to clarify the hours your child/children can do at nursery upon reopening-

  • If your child attends for 30 hours they can attend nursery for 30 hour sessions doing full days.
  • If your child attends nursery for 15 hours (mornings/afternoons/two and a half days) they can attend morning sessions only.

Please follow the guidance on the information letter (dated 18th May) to confirm whether you intend to send your child in to school or not by emailing admin@stgeorgesschool.org.uk to enable school to be as prepared as possible.

Many Thanks.


Fabulous Farm Animals.

Good morning nursery, I hope you are keeping safe and well and enjoyed our Superhero weeks, I loved seeing the work that your parents have sent on the nursery email, well done and thank you!

For the next couple of weeks we thought we could have a look at farms and farm animals, ideas for home learning can be found here 3- Farm animals

We hope you have lots of fun and would love to see your work, do remember to email us on nurseryteam@stgeorgesschool.org.uk

Farm with animals - Download Free Vectors, Clipart Graphics ...