Learning the sound ‘g’

This week in nursery we are learning the sound g, to say the sound you give a big smile that shows your teeth; press the middle of your tongue to the top and back of your mouth; push your tongue down and forward to make the g sound g g g. Our items for what’s in the box this week are grapes, glue, glasses and goat. Please practise saying these words with your children at home and have a look for anything else that has the g sound at the beginning.

This week we are learning the ‘d’ sound

This week in nursery we are learning the sound ‘d’, to say the sound you put your tongue to the top and front of your mouth and make a quick d sound d d d. Our items for What’s in the box this week are dog, door, dinosaur and duck,  please practise saying these words with your child and see what other items you can find around the house with the initial sound d.

This weeks sound is ‘i’

This week in nursery we are recapping the sound i as we found it a little tricky the week before Christmas. You make the i sound by pulling your lips back and making the i sound at the back of your mouth i i i. Our items for what’s in the box are insect, invitation, igloo and iguana, please practice these words with your child at home, the i sound is a little difficult and the children are finding these items tricky to say.

This weeks sound is ‘p’

This week in nursery we are learning the ‘p’ sound. You can make the sound by bringing your lips together then pushing them open to say p p p. Our items in what’s in the box this week are pencil, pizza, peg and penguin. Please practise this sound with your child and say the items shown below, you could help them look around your house to see if you can find anything else beginning with this sound.

This weeks sound is ‘t’

This week we are learning the sound ‘t’, we make the sound by opening our lips then putting the tip of our tongue behind our teeth and pressing to make the t t t sound. The items we have in our what’s in the box game are teddy, toast, tiger and teeth. Please encourage your child to make the ‘t’ sound at home and to talk about items beginning with the ‘t’ sound.

This weeks sound is ‘a’

This week in letters and sounds we are learning the letter ‘a’. We say the sound by opening our mouths wide and making the a sound at the back of our mouths a a a. Our items in ‘what’s in the box?’ are ant, apple, arrow and astronaut. Please practise the sound with your child at home and see what you can find around the house beginning with the ‘a’ sound, we would love you to add any home learning your child does to their Tapestry account so we can celebrate together!

Learning the s sound

Last week we learned the sound ‘s’ we made the sound by showing our teeth and letting the s hiss out sssss sssss. The items we focused on when playing ‘What’s in the box’ were been a sock, sun, star and snake, we all made a brilliant effort to say the sound and the item names! Please practise this sound with your child and see if they can find anything in your home with the ‘s’ initial sound.

Phase One Phonics

Phonics - Sound and District Primary School

Within nursery we follow the Letters and Sounds Phonics Scheme, focusing on Phase One.

What is phase 1 phonics?

Phase one phonics focuses primarily on developing speaking and listening skills that will create the foundation to a lot of your children’s further learning.

Aspects we will cover within nursery this term are

Aspect One Environmental Sounds, activities include hearing sounds on a walk, making sounds with natural materials and joining in with actions and singing in songs and nursery rhymes.

Aspect Two Instrumental Sounds, including distinguishing sounds between different instruments and playing instruments louder and quieter.

Aspect Three Body Percussion, activities include joining in with action songs, copying body sounds such as clapping and repeating patterns.

Aspect Four Rhythm and Rhyme, including moving to the beat, clapping syllables, joining in with rhyming stories and finding rhyming pairs.

Aspect Five, Alliteration, including activities where children can develop their ability to hear and say the initial sounds in words and identify objects with the same initial sound.




In nursery, we focus on pre-writing skills.

We mark make with a variety of things like pencils, chalk, paintbrushes, felt pens.

We use play dough to develop our finger muscles.

We focus on learning how to write the letters in our name and to draw careful pictures of people, animals and things we see.

Good morning

Good morning everyone.

I hope you’re well.

If you’re finding it a bit tricky at the moment to get your child motivated, there are some ideas below for things you are probably all already doing that you don’t realise count as learning.

They are taken from the website Worcester Speech and Language which has lots of hints and tips on ways to help your child if they are finding the current situation difficult.

As always, feel free to email us at nurseryteam@stgeorgesschool.org.uk if you need any help/advice or just want to show us what the children have been up to-we’re missing them all a lot.

Everyday activities that count as learning