Home Activities


Looking at books-

Can you hold the book the right way up and turn the pages? Tell the story from the pictures. What was your favourite part? Can you remember?


Drawing/chalks/painting pictures-

Use your imagination, draw a toy or draw anything you like – remember to use your rabbit’s ears on your rabbits’ nose to hold your pencils.


Junk modelling/using child scissors/Sellotape-

Get creative with anything you can find What can you make?


Name Writing/colouring in- 

Practise writing your name- remember to use your rabbit’s ears on your rabbits’ nose to hold your pencils. Colour a picture.



What can we count?  Steps/claps/fingers/fruit/cups.  Setting the table for dinner/Teddy bears picnic – counting cutlery.


Singing and dancing-

Teach your family a song we sing at nursery. Sing, dance and have fun.


Bug hunt in your garden-

What bugs can you find?


Use a computer –

Go on your Purple Mash account, or play other age-appropriate games on CBeebies.


Cooking with an adult –

Follow a recipe and make something delicious.



Play with toys, sand, play-dough, water, small world toys etc.


Being kind and helpful-

Help your family with jobs around the house? Do something kind for your family, use kind words, hug your family and do something together.



Friday 27th March

In Phase 1 we ended our British Wildlife Week learning all about Badgers.

We began the day by having great fun making a badger’s head out of a paper plate.

We then learnt about the fact that badgers and nocturnal and that this is why we don’t see them very often. We created our own night time scenes to show this.


Thursday 26th March

Today we continued our British Wildlife Week theme by beginning the morning with a ‘Hungry Caterpillar’ colouring competition.

We then made caterpillar-themed thank you cards for our local ASDA supermarket to show our appreciation of their efforts during these challenging times. Those who completed their card with time to spare made their own ‘collage goose’.

Before lunchtime, we went around the school environment looking for natural objects which could be used to help create our very own ‘Bug Hotel’ for the mini-beasts living at our school.

In the afternoon, we learnt how to play Archery followed by some ‘Golden Time’ as a reward to the children for being so well behaved throughout the day.

Nursery Spellings

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