Dough Disco in Reception

One of the ways we get children ready for writing in Reception is by doing lot’s of fine motor activities to strengthen their hands and fingers. A particular popular fine motor activity is Dough Disco! We learn the moves that we need to do and then put them to music. 

PE on Thursdays

Every Thursday the children in Reception will take part in a PE lesson. The children will need to come into school in their PE kits and they will stay in them all day. Sometimes the PE sessions will be in the school hall and sometimes they will take place outside. When PE is inside, the children will be encourage to take their shoes and socks off themselves at the start of the lesson and to put them back on by themselves at the end.

Sticker Jobs

We are always very busy in Reception. Sometimes we have super important jobs to do for our teachers. These jobs will help us learn lots of new things. If your child comes out wearing a sticker like this, you could ask them what their ‘sticker job’ was. These will not be every day but they will do at least 2 every week.

First time in the hall.

Today, Reception went into the hall. Kevin taught us how to take our socks and shoes off and put them on a bench carefully. We had lots of fun dancing to the freeze song and gummy bear. Kevin then taught us how to ‘try, try, try again’ with our socks and shoes to get them back on. We all did really well for our first time.

Well done Reception!

The Reception staff would like to say a huge well done to all of our wonderful Reception children this week for settling in to school so wonderfully. We are so proud of how well they have come in in the morning, how well they are sitting together on the carpet and how well they have all been with the new routines in school. We can’t wait to see everyone for our first full week next week.

Well Done Year 6 - St Vincents R.C. Primary School


We have been learning about maps and also positional language during the last couple of weeks in Maths. We also had to follow our friends instructions to try and draw a house exactly the same as our friends. Here are some photos of what we have been up to!


Our fantastic year in Reception

All the things we have enjoyed

This morning, we had a reflective morning in Reception. We talked about our year, what we have learned and what we have enjoyed. We made a list together of all the events, activities and different things we have done. The children remembered more than the adults.

The link above will take you to the MASSIVE long list-we decided its the biggest list we’ve ever seen!


Reception Forest School club

This week in Forest School club the children were very excited to have a fire in the woods. They learned about how to safely make and extinguish a fire. While the fire was burning we toasted some plant based marshmallows to enjoy between digestive biscuits. They all had a wonderful time!