Art Competition! 🖌✏🖌✏🖌✏🖌

Our art competition is inspired by the artist Henry Fraser. We heard about him today during assembly.

Below is a link all about him.

The competition is to produce a piece of art, painting preferably, by holding the paintbrush in your mouth. You will have to persevere, it will be tricky but try your very best!

Entries have to be in after half term on the 6th November. Give them to Mrs Blair, Mrs Bridgwater or Mrs Probert.

Good luck!


Reception- Recycling Week

This week in reception we have talked about National recycling Week. We read a book called ‘The Tip’ and talked about what items we can recycle. We recycled some cardboard boxes and turned them into houses making sure we included a roof, windows, doors and some had chimneys.

Reception map work using The Everywhere Bear

This week, we have been looking at the Julia Donaldson Story ‘The Everywhere Bear’.

We have talked about his journey and discussed how maps can tell us where to go.

As a class, we then made a map of where the bear went and took him on his journey.

Can your child tell you where he went using the video below?

Phonics and Early Reading Workshop for Parents

We are holding sessions for this at 2:30pm and 5:30pm on Thursday 26th October.

During these sessions we will be sharing how we teach early reading and spelling in reception and key stage 1. We will also discuss how you can support your child at home with reading.

If you are interested in attending one of these sessions, please sign up through ParentPay.

Reception celebrate Yellow day!

Today we celebrated World Mental Health day by dressing up in Yellow clothes. It was so lovely to see the children looking so colourful. We talked about how we were feeling and lots of children said they felt happy because of their yellow top or yellow dress. Here are some photos of us all under the balloon arch!

Reception Class Visitor

Last week, we were very lucky in Reception to have a visitor to come and see us in school. Sandy Goldstraw, who used to work here at St Georges, very kindly came in to tell us some interesting stories about events involving animals that happened during her time here. It was a great introduction to the children to think about the meaning of the past. The children (and the staff) found the stories very interesting, we particularly liked the story about the tiger! Reception parents- be sure to ask your children the tiger story!

Reception scooters

Reception have really enjoyed using the new scooters this week. We have made sure we have helmets on to be safe.

We have also had fun learning how to  using spanners and allen keys to check that everything is tight.

Reception learning about lanyards

As part of our ‘all about school’ week, we have looked at lanyards that we will see adults wearing when they are working here. We talked about our rainbow lanyards and what they mean. We also looked at the different lanyards that visitors to our school may wear and discussed what each one meant.


To help build our muscles for writing, we have been busy doing dough disco, drawing pictures and using scarves and then pens to make patterns. This week we have been drawing wiggly lines.