Reception Induction Morning 13th July


We are welcoming our new reception children to come and have their induction morning on Thursday 13th July. The start and finish times vary for each class (please see below). May we ask that you do your best to stick to these times to ensure a smooth start and finish. We look forward to seeing you all next week! 😊

Mrs Croft’s class: 9:10am – 11:10am

Mrs Bridgwater’s class: 9:20am – 11:20am

Mrs McEvoy’s class: 9:30am – 11:30am


4 out of 5 of RMs butterflies emerged from their cocoons last week. We were so excited to release them into our forest schools area.


This week we have been really busy building bridges. We had to do lots of problem solving to work out how to make the bridges stronger.


Today was a bittersweet day. We said goodbye to our butterflies as they have undergone their big change and are ready to explore the world.

The children have really enjoyed watching them grow and we all talked about how letting them be free was the best thing for them. We will all keep an eye out for them when we are having playtimes.

Sports day 2023

All the children really enjoyed taking part in our sports day this year! We were so impressed with their skills and everyone showed off what they could do. No matter where they came in the races, all the children were proud of each other and showed off their St George’s school values! Thank you parents/carers for all your support with PE kit changes and for ensuring the smooth running on the day.

Exotic Zoo

On Tuesday, we all went on our very first school trip. We had a fantastic time and really enjoyed seeing and touching all the animals. The children were incredibly well behaved and did us all proud. It was a very enjoyable but tiring day!

Trip preparation

We have spent this week getting ready for our trip. We have looked at the route on google maps, used the road map, bus and bears to play ‘trips’ and we wrote a list of the things we would need.


We had a lovely day orienteering with the Year 6 children. We partnered up and used maps to direct us to find all the checkpoints which then spelled a word.

Fieldwork Week

It is fieldwork week in school.

Fieldwork is research or study that happens in the real world. We can observe and get data about people, the natural environment and cultures.

This year the theme is ‘Environment’. Everything physical on Earth is part of an environment. This can include living and non-living things.

People can make changes to the environment. Some can be good changes. Some might be harmful to living things.

Things to think about:

What is your favourite part of the school grounds?

What is your favourite part of around your home?

Is it a good environment for wildlife? If so / not why?

Is there much litter or pollution?

The children will be doing fieldwork activities this week.