Hot Cross Buns

After a super first whole school church service for our Reception children, we were quite hungry. We had our usual fruit snack but also enjoyed trying some hot cross buns. We talked about the cross on the top of them and sung the song too.

Online safety

This week, for one of our class assemblies, we read the story ‘Chicken Clicking’. We talked about the things the chicken shouldn’t have done-ordering items online, using somebody else’s money and not asking if he could use the laptop. We also discussed the three key pieces of information you should never tell someone-your name, your age and where you live/go to school. The children listened and joined in very respectfully and their discussion afterwards showed that they had gained a lot of knowledge on how to stay safe online.

Tricky words

These are the tricky words that we have been learning over the past year:

is, I, the

put, pull, full, as, and, has, his, her, go, no, to, into, she, push, he, of, we, me, be.

was, you, they, my, by, all, are, sure, pure.

See if you cant spot these in your child’s reading book and recall what the tricky word is!

Fine motor

This week, we have been making our Easter cards. We have been practising our cutting and using our fine motor skills to pull cotton wool apart. We think you’ll love them when we bring them home next week.

Online Safety Information

A huge thank you to the parents that came to our online safety workshop last week.

If you were unable to attend but would still like the information, the slides that we shared are available here.

There is also access to a google drive which has information on games your children may be playing/how to set up devices safety/how to get more information on what they are doing online-you can access this here.

As always, if you have any concerns, please feel free to speak to your child’s class teacher or a member of our Safeguarding team.

Big Walk and Wheel Event 2023

Register your school for Sustrans' Big Walk and Wheel today! | Raring2go!

We are taking part in Sustran’s Big Walk and Wheel, the UK’s biggest inter-school walking, wheeling, scooting and cycling to school competition. The event will run all week from 20th-24th March. It is free and we would love everyone to be involved!
On each day of the challenge schools will compete to see who can record the greatest number of pupils walking, using a wheelchair, scooting or cycling to school. The Junior Road Safety Officers (JRSOs) at St Georges will collect this data and with the help of Miss Bibi, will add it to the Sustans website.
Schools will be entered into a daily prize draw for rewards (including equipment and accessories) if over 15% of their pupils walk, use a wheelchair, scoot or cycle on that day of the challenge.
We want all children to join in the fun and to understand the health and wellbeing benefits of active travel. Please help us to encourage your child to walk, scoot or cycle to school this week. Don’t forget to make sure they wear a helmet if they do scoot or cycle.

Useful resources

To help you prepare, Sustrans has developed a handy free guide to walking, cycling or scooting to school. It is packed with advice to help you have hassle-free journey to school.

Download your free family guide using this link:

For more information about the event go to

Good Luck!

Happy Mother’s Day!

This week we held our Mother’s Day tea party. It was lovely to see the children enjoying spending time with their mums in school, sharing a drink and a biscuit. The children performed a poem they had been learning for their mums too. We hope you all have a fantastic Mother’s Day!

Mother’s day tea parties

Thank you so much to all the mummies who came to join us at either of our Mother’s day tea parties. The children all really enjoyed it and were so proud to spend time chatting with you and perform the Mother’s day poem we have been learning. Here are a few photos of two lovely afternoons.