Year 6 performance

Reception and Nursery really enjoyed watching the Year 6 performance rehearsal this morning. The children sat beautifully and were a fantastic audience. We loved the songs and the jokes.

Warm weather

As we finally appear to be having some better weather, can Reception children have a named sun hat and a water bottle in school every day please. Thank you.

Reception Sports day information

Reception and Nursery sports Day- Monday 24th June 2024 1.30pm Please can your child come to school on that day wearing their PE kit with a water bottle, sun hat and suitable shoes for running. Parents will be able to access the field from 1.15pm. You will be able to watch and cheer from the opposite side of the track to where your children are. Please do not cross the track as it can make it tricky for staff to organise the children. You are welcome to take photographs, but can we please remind you that NO videos or photographs must be shared using social media. This is for safeguarding reasons.

Caterpillars in Reception

Last week we had some baby caterpillars in Reception. We have been watching them over the week and can’t believe how big they are getting. We will continue to observe them and let you know what happens next with them!

Reception sewing

This week, we have been enjoying ‘The Scarecrows Wedding’ by Julia Donaldson. The spider helped to sew Betty’s wedding dress so we thought we’d have a go at sewing too. We managed to thread needles and make some lovely stitches.

Reception have been busy drawing daffodils!

This week our story of the week is Bloom by Anne Booth. We are doing lots of work about flowers, drawing them, investigating them and talking about the different parts of a plant. Yesterday morning the children did a wonderful job of copying a YouTube video to learn how to draw a daffodil. Look at our wonderful drawings!

Reception’s bee writing

This week, one of our pictures of the day was of a bee tending a honeycomb. We thought this was a beautiful picture and we chose to do some writing about it. The children came up with their own sentences and tried hard to use all the skills we have been practising recently when writing. We are trying to remember to use the sounds we know to write words, remember how to write some of the tricky words, use capital letters, to use full stops and use gaps between each word. It’s a lot to remember and we are doing really well.

Reception Maths – To 20 and beyond!

This week we have been learning all about the numbers 10-20. We used numicon to show the pattern of the 10s digit and the 1s digit to make the numbers 11-20. We also matched pictures with different representations of the numbers and ordered them, played games, used numicon to make numbers and ordered birthday cards on a number line and took one away to identify which number was missing. Well done everyone. Here are some photos of our work this week.

Learning about fruit and vegetables in Reception

During the last couple of weeks we have been reading stories which have included different fruit and vegetables. We have learnt the names of some of these that we didn’t know before, used pastels to draw a bowl of fruit and explored some fruits and vegetables by cutting them open to see what they look like on the inside. Some children were even brave enough to taste them.