Building Bridges- Reception

This week in Reception the children have been using duplo bricks to build bridges across the water. They were given the extra challenge of building a bridge that wasn’t flat on the floor. We have seen some great communication team work skills from children helping each other!

Reading Buddies!

On Thursday, the Reception children and the Year 3 children got together to do some shared reading. Mrs Weston read a story to all of us before we got into partners to share a book together. The Reception children loved the older children coming to our class to read with us and we can’t wait to do it again soon.

French Breakfast Club

We had a lot of happy children at Breakfast Club before half term. Madame Sohier hosted a delicious French themed breakfast, with help from all the Breakfast Club staff.  The children had the chance to read French magazines and play French games, too. Tres Bien!

World Book Day Gift 🎁📚❤

On Monday, Miss Bibi led an assembly with the KS1 children to introduce Reading Focus Week.

To celebrate World Book day, Paisley in Mrs Bridgewater’s class made Miss Bibi her very own book! She went down to see Miss Bibi and gave her the book- Miss Bibi was so impressed! She gave Paisley 2 stickers and took a photograph with her.

Thank you for my lovely gift, Paisley!

World Book Day in Reception

We have had a brilliant day today dressing up for World Book Day. We have coloured bookmarks, shared our favourite books with our friends, read with our buddies in Year 3 and even did ‘The Very Hungry Caterpillar’ yoga! Here are some of the photos of our day.

Welcome Kevin- Reception

This week we have introduced Kevin to the Reception children. He is going to be around to help us with social situations such as a friend not sharing with us or playing games on the playground that are a bit rough. He is also here to share happy times with us too 😊

Morning writing

We have been trying really hard on our writing recently practising every morning when we come in. On a Thursday, we have a picture and have to describe what we can see. Here is some of RM’s fantastic writing.

Pancake making in Reception!

We made and ate some pancakes on Thursday after learning about Mr Wolf’s pancakes this week. We all talked about the ingredients we would need and then watched Mrs Bridgewater make the batter and then cook the pancakes. Mrs Bridgewater was brilliant at flipping the pancakes! We enjoyed our pancakes with lemon and sugar!

Changes- Reception

We have been looking at changes in Science. We discussed what happens to water when we put it in a freezer and then the children had the challenge of turning the ice back into water. Most children tried to use their hands because they said their hands were warm. Some children said a towel would be warmer and melted the ice cubes by holding them in a towel.

The next task the Reception children were given was to see what would happen to  sugar cubes if they dropped water onto them. The children had lots of fun with our experiments.