A Special Visit!

Mrs Humphries has made a washing up bowl ‘pond’ in school today. Within minutes, look who came for a visit and a splash! Perhaps you could try making one of these yourself at home and see if you have any birds come to visit you. We would love to see photos of your own washing up bowl ponds if you make one. You can email photos to stgeorgesadmin@telford.org.uk

Friday 27th March

In Phase 1 we ended our British Wildlife Week learning all about Badgers.

We began the day by having great fun making a badger’s head out of a paper plate.

We then learnt about the fact that badgers and nocturnal and that this is why we don’t see them very often. We created our own night time scenes to show this.


Home learning activities

Please find attached a list of activities to support your child in their home learning. Have a go and we hope that you enjoy taking part in them.

Home learning activities

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