
Today we have been looking at making pairs! We learnt that a pair meant a set of two. We matched up socks into pairs and thought about how many pairs we may have. We looked at odd numbers and how you cannot make pairs without having one odd sock. Feel free to put their pairing skills to the test when emptying the washing to match up those socks!

6, 7, 8!

This week we have been looking at the children’s knowledge of numbers up to 5 and beyond. We have been blown away by how well the children are subitising, counting and combining amounts to make numbers. We have also been using the dominoes to add amounts together and match numbers.

There is an app created by White Rose Maths called ‘1 minute maths’. This is ideal to practise quick recall of number facts with your child. We would love to see any pictures of the children taking part in these activities on their tapestry profile!

We will be continuing our work on numbers up to 10 next week!

5 little frogs

This week we have been consolidating our knowledge of numbers up to 5. We have been comparing numbers, combining numbers and working out how many are missing. The children have been using the number song ‘Five little Frogs’ to do this and we have had lots of fun!

New Year

This week, we have been talking about years and months. We have looked at how many months there are in a year and we have sung the song below to learn their names and the order of them.

Homework in Reception

In reception, we encourage our parents/carers to support their child’s learning at development at home through the use of fun and engaging actitivties. We will sometimes set homework tasks using Tapestry so that you can upload photos/ videos of your child completing them.

Though we send no formal homework home, we will send home sheets that include the sounds we have learnt during the week with practise activities on them.

As a school, we expect all our children to be reading at home. We send home the children’s phonics book on a Wednesday/ Thursday for you to practise at home for the week to embed their phonic knowledge and practise their decoding and comprehension skills. Please ensure that you write in your child’s diary each time that you hear them read.

Here are some useful, fun links that you can use to support your child’s learning:

Little Wandle phonics-

Fine motor dough disco –

Gross motor cosmic kids-


White rose minute maths app-





Our first full week.

Good afternoon. It has been a super first full time week in Reception.

We have been learning s a t p and blending in phonics.

Further phonics updates will be on tapestry next week when we have uploaded parent e-mails to the system.

In Maths, we have been showing each other how good we are with our counting.

We are talking about our families, who lives in our house, our special people and how special we are.

We have also been doing dough disco to help strengthen our fingers ready for writing.

A lot of children have said they’d like to show you their dough disco moves so here is a link to it so you can practise together at home.

Dough Disco

Homework in St George’s!

In Reception at St George’s, we use the app Tapestry to communicate with parents, upload observations and assessments and share photos of what your child is doing in school. We use this to regularly set small tasks which you can do at home, you can send us photos and videos on Tapestry which helps to develop and maintain home-school links and helps your child’s development.

We are in the process of setting up Tapestry accounts and information of how to log on and access will follow soon.

Maths week beginning 4th July

This week in maths we have been learning all about sharing! The children have learnt how to share equally and check carefully to find the answers. We have also explored what happens when a number doesn’t share equally and have introduced odd and even numbers.

Share this video with your child and see if they can remember odd and even numbers!


We have worked very hard this year learning all our numbers to 10 and beyond. We now know how to make numbers by combining or taking away amounts, how to put numbers in the right order and how teen numbers are made up. For the last few weeks, we will be focussing on problem solving using all of our number skills.

To 20 and beyond- week two!

This week we have continued our work on numbers beyond 10. We have introduced subtraction at the start of this week and played games whilst the children discussed numbers in relation to the words ‘fewer’ and ‘less’.

We have also looked at really knowing the numerical order of numbers 11-20. We have looked at missing numbers as well as ordering the numbers looking carefully.

We have attached some activity ideas sheets for you to support your child’s learning at home. Remember- if your child does something amazing, please remember to upload it to Tapestry so that we can share in their success!

recognising numbers 10-20 home learning challenges

talking and supporting to 20 and beyond for adults