
Good afternoon.

We hope you’re all enjoying the sunshine. We wanted to show you a new initiative that is being launched on Monday to help your child access phonics lessons. Every day there will be a new  lesson posted online at a certain time.  You can then access the lesson whenever you want,  with your child at a time that suits you.

There are 3 different levels of lessons released each day.

1-Learning to Blend. This is the lesson to work through if your child still finds it tricky to put together sounds to make a word e.g. b – i – g  is big.

2-Reception. These are the lessons that contain the content that your child would be taught during the summer term in Reception.

3-Year 1. These are the lessons that contain the content your child would be taught during the summer term in Year 1. Year 2’s could also do these lessons to keep their phonics knowledge going.

If your child is finding a lesson too tricky, try doing the earlier lesson to build their confidence-its about the children keeping up regular practise and having a go.

Remember there are also the bug club books online to help you keep up with your phonics based reading.

The links below are for the letter to parents explaining more and a link to the channel.

Thank you for all the hard work you are putting in at home with your children. You are all doing a fantastic job. Stay safe.

Letter to parents and carers about online phonics lessons (003)

Letters and Sounds Lessons

New work to keep you busy.

Good morning everyone.

We hope you’re all well and staying safe at home.

Mrs Garraway, Miss Hedges, Mrs Croft and all the Reception staff miss you very much.

We thought it might be nice if you did some work on the weather and your house.

We’ve put some ideas here for you to have a go at with your family.

Stay safe everyone.

Note for parents:These ideas (at the bottom of the page) are to go over 2 weeks so don’t feel you have to do them all at once. As little or as much as the children want to do/you can manage is fine! We’ve put some more activities on purple mash (the 2do section) for the children-if you do these and hand them in, we can look and write comments to the children.

We have put more books onto bug club for those that have read them all. We’ve also put some weather/house books on. These are to share together as they may have longer words/more text that the children are used to. For a book to show as ‘read’ you have to complete both the book and the activity at the end. When all the books have been completed, you will progress to the next stage automatically. If you want to read a wider range, Oxford Reading Tree have also made many books free online as well.

From all the Reception team.

1-my home and weather


Good morning.

We hope you’ve all had a lovely Easter and enjoyed the sunshine.

This is just a quick reminder that if you do want to fill some time, there are Easter activities on Purple Mash for you to do. There are also books on Bug Club to read-we will be setting new books for those that are running out on Monday when the Easter holidays are over.

Stay safe

From all the Reception team.

Home learning activities

Please find attached a list of activities to support your child in their home learning. Have a go and we hope that you enjoy taking part in them.

Home learning activities

Image result for home learning image

At home learning links

Here are some links to websites that you might find helpful whilst the children are at home:


Password: StGeorges1

This is a website to promote being active. There are lots of fun dances and activities to follow along with.

This is free to use at this time for resources across a variety of subject areas. You will need to create a free account to download resources. There are loads of PowerPoints to assist with home learning.

This is the bug club website. All children have been sent home with their individual details.

Username: march20

Password: home

A website full of games to support letters and sounds learning.

This is a website full of maths activities. Our children will be able to access the counters, dice and tens frame activities.

We have sent home the children’s individual login details. Purple Mash is brilliant with a variety of activities across the whole curriculum.