Comic relief homework (if you would like to!)

Please see attached some homework if you would like to do it. There is absolutely no pressure but they are here if you would like them.

Maths challenge cards 


Fine motor challenge cards 

Fine motor Challenge Cards

Colouring sheets 


Alive in 5!

The children have been continuing to develop their understanding of numbers up to 5. This week they have been looking at different ways that we can make 5 and having a go at recording their work.
The children have been using 5 frames to figure out how much they need to add to a given amount to make 5. They have also been figuring out how many are missing from a group of 5 by using their knowledge of number facts and their 5 frames. They had lots of fun hiding compare bears in a tent for their partners to work out how many were missing!



1 Minute Maths APP

White Rose Maths have released a brand-new APP which is free to download via the Apple Store and the Play Store. As a school, we use White Rose Maths to inform our mathematics lessons planning and we would highly recommending this brand-new APP for you to use to support your child with their learning at home. Thank you for your support.

Numbots Awards!

A massive well done to the children in Reception who were rewarded for all of their hard work on the Numbots website during the Autumn term. Mr Porteous is really looking forward to seeing who he will be able to reward at the end of the Spring term for their efforts.

Talking about time!

This week we will be exploring time. We will be looking at the days of the week and the months of the year and putting them into the right order. If you could talk to your child about their birthday month it will be helpful for them to see themselves in the yearly calendar.

We will also be looking at clocks and making our own paper clock thinking about where the numbers on on it and discussing simple times. See if you can help your child to understand time by showing them timings from their daily routine e.g. bed time, dinner time etc.


Spring 1 topic – Winter

This half term, we will be looking at Winter. We will be thinking about what it is like during the season of Winter, how we can keep warm, looking at seasonal changes and what it is like for animals during this season. We will also be doing some lovely winter art including junk modelling – making igloos, making light and dark pictures, mixing colours to create wintery scenes and singing winter songs.
Hopefully it will get a bit colder and maybe we might even have some snow to explore and play in!

Encourage your child to talk about what they have been learning in school. We share lots of the lovely things we have been doing in school on Tapestry and on the website. It would be lovely to see some of the fantastic things you have been doing at home too!

Kids playing outdoors in winter Clipart Image

It’s beginning to look a lot like ………


This week, we have started our festive preparations. We will be putting up a tree, making paper chains, reading Christmas stories, singing Christmas songs and making lots of Christmas crafts.


If you do any festive activities at home, please upload them to tapestry so we can see what else is going on.


Next we are focusing on the following numbers:

1   2   and 3.

We will be taking part in activities surrounding counting, ordering, recognising and comparing these numbers. See if you can spot these numerals and amounts in your child’s day to day life.

Here is a number song that we have been joining in with in school.


This week in maths the children have been taking part in lots of activities.

Pattern: The children have used numbers, colours and objects to create repeating patterns following an ‘A B A B’ sequence. We have challenged some to follow a ‘A B C A B C’ sequence as well. See if your child can create their own repeating patterns at home!

Number: The children have been working on accurately counting amounts up to 10. They have been working hard to ensure they are counting each object carefully. We have also asked them to try and recognise a given numeral and match an amount. when at home, it would be useful if you could reinforce counting objects/actions as well as recognising any numbers that they see.

Capacity: The children have enjoyed some water play this week. We have been using vocabulary relating to capacity and describing how much liquid is in a container e.g. full, empty, nearly full, nearly empty. See if your child can use this vocabulary in their everyday language.

As always, if your child is doing some amazing learning at home, please send examples of their learning to the reception team email address!