St Georges Garden Centre

This half term, our role play area has become a garden centre with a café. You can browse the flowers, seeds and gardening tools we have available, smell the candles to decide which one you would like and then relax with a hot drink.

The children really enjoy using it and are learning how to work in a shop and how to be a good customer.


This week, we have been looking at the story ‘Oliver’s Vegetables’.

We have tried different vegetables to see what we liked-spinach was very popular and we all enjoyed the way that beetroot turned our hands pink.

Outside, we made a vegetable patch and talked about which way we should plant each vegetable looking closely at whether they grow under or on top of the soil-we loved the messy fun.


This week, we have started to collect their own dinners. We have used please and thank you to tell the dinner ladies what we would like to eat and we have managed to walk carefully with our trays carrying them to our tables. We’re very proud of ourselves.

Well done Reception.

Cake Sale!

Dessert Clipart Sweet Bakery Clip Arts Cake SVG Bundle - Etsy UK

School Council will be holding a cake sale on the 24th April to raise money for our school charities ‘Classroom in the Clouds’ and ‘Prevent All’.  

We would really appreciate it if you could donate some homemade or shop bought cakes for the fundraising event. The theme will be based around St George’s Day.  Please could all cakes be handed in on the morning of the 24th.

The cakes will be sold throughout the day. If your child would like to buy some,  please send them into school with some change. The cakes will cost 30p each or 4 for £1.

Thank you very much for your support.

We look forward to raising lots of money and seeing your wonderful creations!


Hot Cross Buns

After a super first whole school church service for our Reception children, we were quite hungry. We had our usual fruit snack but also enjoyed trying some hot cross buns. We talked about the cross on the top of them and sung the song too.

Online safety

This week, for one of our class assemblies, we read the story ‘Chicken Clicking’. We talked about the things the chicken shouldn’t have done-ordering items online, using somebody else’s money and not asking if he could use the laptop. We also discussed the three key pieces of information you should never tell someone-your name, your age and where you live/go to school. The children listened and joined in very respectfully and their discussion afterwards showed that they had gained a lot of knowledge on how to stay safe online.

Fine motor

This week, we have been making our Easter cards. We have been practising our cutting and using our fine motor skills to pull cotton wool apart. We think you’ll love them when we bring them home next week.

Online Safety Information

A huge thank you to the parents that came to our online safety workshop last week.

If you were unable to attend but would still like the information, the slides that we shared are available here.

There is also access to a google drive which has information on games your children may be playing/how to set up devices safety/how to get more information on what they are doing online-you can access this here.

As always, if you have any concerns, please feel free to speak to your child’s class teacher or a member of our Safeguarding team.