Tricky word song

For the last 2 weeks we have had the phase 3 tricky words song as our going home song as lots of children are finding remembering these difficult.

Can you sing this at home with your child to help them remember the tricky words. Thank you.

Days of the week

This week we have been focussing on length and time in our maths lessons. Our maths song of the week has been the days of the week song. Have a listen together.

Change of state

Today, as part of our investigation work, we talked about liquids and solids. We talked about how different they were-that a liquid could be poured and a solid can’t. We then investigated how to change the state of something. We made a mug cake-the batter was very liquid and runny. After it had been in the microwave, it could no longer be poured. We had to try it just to check!

Big Battery Hunt

This year we are taking part in ‘The Big Battery Hunt’. This is a nationwide programme which aims to help educate and inspire young people to recycle more used batteries.

We are hoping to recycle as many batteries as possible to be in with a chance of winning some amazing prizes for school!

If you have any batteries at home please bring them into school so we can recycle them and add them to our total, we will keep you updated with how many we manage to collect. ?

If you want to find out more please visit the Big Battery Hunt website.




Flipping Friday

This afternoon, we made pancakes. Mrs Garraway and Miss Becker were super chefs. Everybody in Reception had a go at flipping a pancake and we all tried them with lemon and sugar. They were delicious.

Dress to express and feeling good!

The children looked fantastic in their own clothes today! It was great to see them dressed in what makes them happy and seeing all their smiley faces!

As part of Children’s mental health week, we took part in some Mood Boosters’ activities and listening to a bedtime story reading of ‘The Colour Monster’. Have a look at the links below and see if you can join in at home!

PE Kit Bank

We are keen to put together a ‘PE Kit Bank’ similar to our ‘Boot Bank’ event that we held on the playground not so long ago. Please can any unwanted items PE kit, including trainers/pumps, be donated to Mr Porteous, Mrs Tidman-Poole, Mr Richards, Miss Hedges or Mr Perry by Friday please?

Thank you for your support

The snail and the whale

This week, our focus book has been ‘The Snail and the Whale’ by Julia Donaldson.

We learnt that a whale is as long as the infant playground so we counted how many steps that was for each of us. We then discovered that a whale had become beached on our playground! We used our strong hand muscles to spray him with water until the tide came back in.

Safer Internet Day 2023

Today is Safer Internet Day

All of the children have attended special assemblies this morning. We have discussed our online activities and how we can navigate our own personal safety in our online lives just like we do in our day to day life.

Each class has an Acceptable Use Agreement displayed in their classroom that they have all signed to say that they will use school devices responsibly and that they know who to go to for help.

Acceptable Use Agreement