Penguin on holiday

This week, we have been looking at the book ‘Penguin on Holiday’ by Salina Yoon. We used the VR headsets to pretend to be the crab and go and visit some penguins. We also pretended to be a penguin visiting a beach for the first time. Using the headsets gave the children a memorable experience that they won’t forget.

Takeover Assembly!

Over Hall Community School: School Council

Today the school councillors took over the Key Stage 1 and Key Stage 2 assemblies! They introduced themselves and explained their very important role in school so that all of the children knew who to approach should they have any ideas for school improvement.

After that, Gillian Denning from Stronger and Safer Communities talked to us about a problem in the local community (dog mess) and the importance of cleaning up after your dog! Then she introduced a competition which involves the children designing their own ‘poo posters’. This is not mandatory but we are encouraging as many children as possible to take part!

The deadline for this competition is Monday 13th February. Can all entries please be given to Miss Bibi or Mrs Morris (School Council leads). The entries will be judged by Gillian and the school councillors and the chosen designs will be put up around the local area.

Good Luck!

Lunar New Year

This week, the children have been taking part in lots of activities surrounding Lunar New Year. Today we had a chance to see how stir fry is made and try some ourselves. We were really impressed by all of the children’s attitude to trying new things! One restaurant customer gave the stir fry a 13 out of 10 and commented, ” I am going to eat this everyday. It is delicious!”

St George’s Worship Team

Digital Camera

The St George’s CE Primary school Worship Team met today. They had a very difficult task to do. They had to judge the Interfaith Week Design a Dove Competition! The winners will be announced very soon so watch this space.

In the meantime, you can read the minutes of our meeting on the Pupil Voice section of this website.

Storytelling Week!

This week, we have been celebrating Storytelling Week!  The children enjoyed some fabulous storytelling activities throughout the week, including sessions with storyteller Peter Chand, lessons within classes and performances to our ‘buddy classes’ in different year groups!

Digital Camera



Digital Camera


Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera


Digital Camera
Digital Camera



Design A Football Kit Classroom Challenge

If you would like to enter the latest English Schools’ Football Association’s Classroom Challenge Competition. All you need to do is design a football kit using the entry form provided. There are a limited number of sticker books and stickers available for the children who participate. We will send off a number of entries to enter the national competition, where a £2,000 prize is available to the school of the winning child. Please see Mr Porteous for an entry form.

Story teller

Today we all had a super session with a story teller Peter Chand. He told us a story about how the elephant went from having a ‘shiny little button nose’ to the big grey trunk we now see. The children behaved impeccably and loved the session.

Storytelling Week

National Storytelling Week 2023 Activities | National Literacy Trust | National Literacy Trust

This week at St George’s, we will be celebrating Storytelling Week! This event invites children to enjoy stories both old and new, to use as inspiration for the most classical form of entertainment: the telling of stories!

The children will take part in various activities throughout the week which will take them on a journey to become confident storytellers with a focus on developing oracy skills. Each class will buddy up with a different year group and perform a story/poem by the end of the week.

We have also invited Peter Chand into our school who is a renowned storyteller and well known for his powerful, evocative and moving stories. He will lead assemblies and deliver workshops to every year group!

Webinar Wednesday - The Creatives' Guide to Marketing with Peter Chand - Beyond the Border

Stay tuned for photos of this fantastic event!

Art Competition! 🖌✏🖍🖌✏🖍🖌✏🖍

We are opening up the  spring art competition.

We would like you to try to paint in the way that Tom Yendell does. Tom uses his mouth and his feet to hold a pencil and a paint brush so that he can produce his art.

Click to learn about Tom Yendell.

Here is some of the art he has produced.

We would like you to have a go at using your mouth or your feet to hold the pencil and paint brush to produce a piece of art in the style of Tom Yendell.

All entries to Mrs Blair or Mrs Probert by the end of half term. We will announce the winner after half term. Good luck!