Pancake making in Reception!

We made and ate some pancakes on Thursday after learning about Mr Wolf’s pancakes this week. We all talked about the ingredients we would need and then watched Mrs Bridgewater make the batter and then cook the pancakes. Mrs Bridgewater was brilliant at flipping the pancakes! We enjoyed our pancakes with lemon and sugar!

Changes- Reception

We have been looking at changes in Science. We discussed what happens to water when we put it in a freezer and then the children had the challenge of turning the ice back into water. Most children tried to use their hands because they said their hands were warm. Some children said a towel would be warmer and melted the ice cubes by holding them in a towel.

The next task the Reception children were given was to see what would happen to  sugar cubes if they dropped water onto them. The children had lots of fun with our experiments.

Small, Smaller, Smallest In Reception.

This week, we have been talking about measuring. We have measured long things, tall things, short things and used words like longest, taller and shortest.

We have sung this song as our going home song to re-enforce our learning.


Exploring Antarctica- Reception

Recently in Reception we have been exploring hot and cold places. We focused on Antarctica last week, looking at what the weather is like there, what we would need to pack in a suitcase if we were going to visit and some of the animals that live there. We particularly enjoyed learning about penguins. We found out there are different types of penguins and we measured ourselves against the height of penguins that we had stuck up in the classrooms to show their actual size. The children made some observational paintings of penguins which turned out beautiful.

Just Credit Union ‘Deposit Day’

We are delighted to announce that our first Just Credit Union ‘Deposit Day’ will be held on the morning of Wednesday 31st January. Please bring in the money that you would like to deposit into your child’s account between 8am and 8:30am to the school office reception area.

Tricky words!

This week, we have been learning the tricky words was, you and they. Could you please practise these with your child at home. Maybe you could write them on flashcards and stick them on the fridge or next to the mirror where your child brushes their teeth to help them remember them! Thank you for your help with this!


Reception Handwriting Competition Winners!

Here are the some of the winners of the Reception handwriting competition. All of the children tried really hard but these children stood out as having consistently good handwriting or they had made excellent progress since starting school in September.

Cold weather clothes in Reception

This week, we have enjoyed practising our cutting skills. We have dressed bodies for cold weather by cutting out hats, scarves, gloves, trousers and jumpers for them.

Ice cold in Reception

This week, we have taken full advantage of the weather by making and playing with ice. We have examined the shapes made, tried to freeze toys in the ice and explored what happens when you freeze water in different types of containers.