Reception Author Visit

On Wednesday, we had the author Donna Davis come and visit us in Reception. She talked to us about some of the books she has written and read one of her stories to us. We all found it really interesting to find out about the process she goes through to get her books published. Some children from each class volunteered to help with the explanation of Donna getting an idea for a book, to it ending up on the shelves. The photo below shows some of the helpers acting out the roles of editors, publishers, printers and all the other people who are part of the process.

Reception – Stickman writing

We have enjoyed our work about Stickman this week. Some children in my class did some fantastic writing all about Stickman! Well done!

Bubbles in Reception

We have had lots of fun outside with Bubble mixture this week. We have made wands and experimented to see if different shaped holes produced different shaped bubbles.

St George’s C of E Primary School Young Saver Scheme ๐Ÿ‘›

Just Credit Union Parent Letter

With the support of the ‘Just Credit Union’, we are excited to announce the launch of our new ‘St George’s C of E Primary School Young Saver Scheme.’

This evening, your child should have brought home a double-sided letter explaining everything that you need to know. Please speak to your child’s class teacher tomorrow if this is not the case.

Please find a copy of the letter above, but you will need access to a printer if you are wanting to complete an application form.

We hope that our exciting new initiative will be of interest to your child.


Christmas Cooking Challenges! ๐ŸŽ…๐ŸŽ„โ›„โ„๐ŸŒŸ

Why not try our cooking challenges over the Christmas break?

Christmas pudding rice crackle treats ๐ŸŽ…

Rudolph cupcakes ๐ŸŽ„

Reindeer gingerbread biscuitsย ๐Ÿ’•

Enjoy! โ›„โ„

The Nativity

This week we have been practising our Nativity play and we are so excited to have you all to watch us on Tuesday. We have been learning about the people in the story and what happened through our play and other activities around the classroom. We have used the small bricks to build a stable, set the scene with some pictures and used some little play people to act out the story.

Phonics assessments

This week, we are completing the Autumn 2 phonics assessments. We have been so pleased to see how much progress your children have made with their phonics. They now know lots more of the phase 2 sounds and lots of us are now blending really well. The thing lots of children found tricky in the assessment though was the tricky words. Here is a video to practise the tricky words at home with your child. Thank you.

Tricky Words and Sight Words Song (


Reception Christingles

On Monday, we had a lot of fun making Christingles. We learnt what each part of it

represented and practised our counting skills when we put on the sticks then the sweets



Reception- Cold Weather!

We have been embracing the cold weather in Reception. We went on a wintery walk around the track and looked for frost and ice and have explored our Reception playground. The children found their toys had been frozen in the water! We decided we needed to design our own hat, gloves and scarves to keep us warm. Here are a few of our designs.
