Information for September

Please see attached links for the information which was emailed out to parents on 15.7.20.

Whole school return letter July 2020 final

Start and end of the day arrangements

aerial map of school

Attendance Statement for September

If you have any questions please ask- we don’t want anyone worrying about anything over the holidays. You can contact us by email or telephone but please note, we are closing for the summer holidays at the end of the school day on Friday 17th July.

Staff will be back in school on Tuesday 1st September and the office staff will be able to respond to emails and phone calls then.

Children return on Wednesday 2nd September- start and finish times are detailed in the documents above.

We do hope you all have a lovely summer.


Happy Holidays

Summer Catch Up! Plus Free Back to School Printables! | School ...

Dear reception children,

A huge well done for completing your first year at school- What a fantastic achievement! You have been a brilliant year group and we have thoroughly enjoyed teaching all of you.

Thank you for the way you have adapted to online learning and for your optimism throughout these uncertain times. It has been lovely welcoming some children back to school and seeing some familiar faces!

We wish you all a wonderful summer break and a brilliant start to Year One!

From all of the reception staff.

End of school year message from Reverend Evans, Chair of Governors

From Rev. Kevin Evans, Chair of Governors.

As we approach the end of what by any standards has been an immensely challenging school year, I am writing to express my thanks and that of all the governors to every member of our school community.

Even before the onset of Covid19, the difficulties caused by a delayed and then problematic building process had presented challenges which required considerable patience, hard work and determination to overcome whilst still providing a suitable and effective learning environment.

The difficulties presented to all of us by the Covid19 pandemic have been in a different league altogether and have left us all wondering, ‘How on earth do we cope with this!’ The answer in the case of St. George’s School was and is, Magnificently.

Although, like many I have felt personally frustrated by how little I have been able to contribute I have drawn huge comfort that however little I have felt able to do, it has been part of a much bigger and effective effort.

Sir Winston Churchill when looking back at the Battle of Britain suggested that when history judged our nations and commonwealth that those judging could say that ‘this was their finest hour’. If the same judgement was made of how this school has coped with all that we have faced, I for one would be humbled but immensely proud.

Finally, this is a time for ‘moving on’. We have not been able to give our year 6 the kind of shared ‘send off’ we have in the past. But, we send them off in the same spirit of thanks and blessing. There are new things to learn and be in the future, but please remember the important values learned, shared and shown here at St. Georges.

A Blessing.

Let us go into the world in peace,

Let us all have good courage.

Let us offer to no one,  harm in return for harm.

Let us encourage the frightened,

Help those who suffer,

Love and serve the Lord.


And the blessing of God almighty, Father, Son and Holy Spirit,

Be with us all, evermore, amen.





We hope you have all had lots of fun researching your scientists and conducting lots of exciting experiments!

I will attach the PDF’s with all the activities on again below, just in case you have missed them! If you have completed your year groups activities and want to do some more, feel free to dip into any other year groups resources or you could do them with your siblings!

Remember to share any photos or videos with us at

EY Bubbles

KS1 Paper Planes

Whole school spinners

y34 sundials and space

y56 Telephones

Two girls in year 5, Evie and Ruby, have sent us some photos already. Have a look at their super work below.


Super Scientists - Science Bulletin Board | Science bulletin ...

We can’t wait to see your photos and videos, St George’s!


Mason and Olly’s adventures!

Yesterday Mason and Olly went for a walk to find different leaves. They collected them so today they can try and identify which tree they came from. Mason did lots of tree rubbings and even found a frog on a drain. Big brother Mason helped Olly find lots of insects for his work too! Great job boys!

Remember we love to see all the exciting adventures you have been getting up to! Share them with us on your year group email.

Writing Challenge! ✏👸🐲

My First Riddle Icon

This week, we would like the children at home to get involved with our creative writing challenge! Each key stage will be given a different theme which will hopefully inspire them and give them a purpose for their writing.

PLEASE NOTE: This is not a competition. The aim of this challenge is to inspire and encourage creative writing.

Reception- My First Riddle 

We would like the reception children to use their senses and imagination to create their own original riddle. The riddles can be based on any theme, from the current class topic ( mini-beasts) to people, places or animals.

Below are some resources to help your child with this task including an information card with activity ideas and examples of riddles.  Your child can use one of the writing frames below to help them write their riddle or alternatively create their own from scratch!

My First Riddle-Info card

What Animal Am I?

What Is It?

What Vehicle Is It?

Who Is it?

What Could It Be?

Don’t forget to send a copy of your riddle to the reception team at



Hi Reception

We hope you’re all well. We miss you a lot. With the weather getting better, we thought it would be the ideal opportunity to get outside a bit more.

Our final unit of work is all about Mini-beasts.

They are tiny fascinating creatures that help our environment a lot.

As always, please feel free to e-mail us at to show us what you have been up to.

Stay safe and have fun

From all the Reception team

Minibeast work


Keeping Active Bingo Card

Bingo Card

Thank you to everyone who sent in their video clips of them completing last week’s various National School Sports Week Challenges. The final challenge, set last Friday, was to have a go at the various activities included on the attached Bingo Card.



Safeguarding Guidance

On 25th June the Department for Education published guidance (click blue link) called keeping children safe from abuse and harm. This is aimed at parents and carers and brings together sources of information about the main risks children may be vulnerable to.

It signposts parents to help and support that is available. There are many useful links in the document as well as more general advice for parents.

If you do ever have any concerns about your own family or another family you know, please do not hesitate to contact us at school for help. Our designated safeguarding lead is Mrs Sixsmith and we also have four deputy safeguarding leaders who are Mrs Johnson- Taylor, Mrs Jervis, Mrs Croft and from September Mrs Evans who is also our new SENCo (Special Needs and Inclusion). See attached poster for more details.

DSL poster updated final 2022