
Hi Everyone,

We have just been sent these details below for a Bake Off competition. If you do enter, we’d love to see a photo of your paper designs or an actual cake if you make one! To officially enter the competition though, you do need to follow the instructions below.

The Mayor, Councillor Steven Reynolds has recently launched his Telford NHS Bake Off Competition and the deadline for this has been extended to 12 noon on Friday 15 May to allow more time for entries to be submitted. The competition as it suggests is in aid of NHS, Carers and Key Workers who are working tirelessly to keep us all protected.

To enter:

  • Design a cake with pen and paper OR
  • Bake a cake
  • Take a photograph and share your creation on the Council’s social media platforms i.e. Facebook and Twitter using #TelfordNHSbakoff or email entries to bakeoff@telford.gov.uk
  • If you are able to – donate to my Mayor’s Charity Appeal 2019/20 at www.gofundme.com/mayorscharityappeal1920

Home learning.

Good morning everyone.

We hope you’re all staying safe at home with your family.

Here are some more activities to keep you busy at home over the next fortnight.

Seeing as you’re all being such heroes by staying at home to keep everybody safe, we thought you’d like to do some work on superheroes.

Superheroes fortnight

There are also daily phonics lessons to do here.

Remember to e-mail us on the address below to show us what you’ve been up to.


Stay safe, we miss you all

From all the Reception team.


Home learning

We just wanted to say a huge well done to all our parents. It’s fantastic to see all the activities you are doing at home with the children. Teachers are continuing to set activities for you to try at home in the classroom section of the website.

If you or your child wants to try to do some lessons online, there is a ‘virtual school’ available where you can watch and do lessons with your child.


There are lessons organised into year groups and subjects. Each lesson is about half an hour long with a short quiz before and after the lesson. If you find a lesson too tricky, you can go back to the previous year group lesson to boost your child’s confidence-remember the important thing is that you’re all doing the best you can.

Stay safe.

VE Whole School Project

75th Anniversary of VE Day

We had planned to hold a big celebration for VE Day in school on Friday 8th May but sadly we are no longer able to do that. We would still like to do something special on this day so we are asking families if you would like to join us in some special activities next week and on the actual day.

1. Children are all asked to make their own Union Jack/VE flags to wave on Friday 8th. Please take a photo of your flags and email them into school. Perhaps you could then display them in your windows at home for the local community to see.

2. Families are asked to wear any read/white/blue clothes you have on Friday 8th, take a photo and send it into school.

3. Children are invited to do any research they like around VE day- what is it and why is it important we stop to remember what took place around the world at that time? Work can be anything you like- perhaps a presentation, a picture, a fact sheet, information about an individual solider, write a special VE prayer, learn a wartime song, anything you like! Please can any work be emailed into school by Thursday 7th May by 1pm.

Please feel free to do as little or as much as you like around this but it would be great for as many people as possible to do something!

Please note, that any photos of flags, wearing red/white/blue and children’s work need to be emailed to admin@stgeorgesschool.org.uk. Photos will then be used to make a film which we can then share on our website and Facebook page.

Many thanks!

Thank you to our local community, businesses and organisations!

Our food bank is going really well and we would like to say thank you so much so local businesses and organisations who have been helping us out.

  • W.F.Head and Sons have now donated 20 large sacks of potatoes.
  • Ironbridge Lion’s Club generously gave us a donation of £300 which we have used to buy specific food items needed for the food bank.
  • Lyreco have very kindly delivered to us a huge amount of boxes for us to pack up the food parcels in.
  • We have already posted about Morrisons donating food and cleaning items.

Plus, we do want to massively thank all the families, staff and members of the public who have been dropping donations off into the box outside of school over the last few weeks. Together, we are making a difference. What great community spirit!



Year Group Emails

Every year group now has an email address set up so families can email work that your child feels particularly proud of or even just to say hello! Emails will only be responded to during school hours and the purpose is for your child to feel that they can communicate positively with staff. Please look on your child’s year group area (within the Parents’ Area) on the new website for further details.









Any general queries or issues still need to come directly to the school office by ringing or emailing admin@stgeorgesschool.org.uk