Being busy in school.

The key worker children that came to school yesterday were very busy. We spent the afternoon outside where John and Tom were in charge of building a stick house. They had the idea themselves and were the foremen for the build. They made sure all the sticks were the right size and that people knew where to put them. They then led a team of decorators. The project was completed on time and under budget. Well done boys!


Nikita made a natural art picture, Oscar and Mrs Mackeen took turns to sing songs by passing the ‘singing stone’ and Jake carefully split open some cherry stones using a rough rock that he found to collect the seeds.


Emotional Health and Wellbeing





We hope you are keeping safe and well. We know that for some, being in lockdown is difficult. We will try to keep adding resources and information which may help you. Thank you to Miss Slaney, one of our teaching assistants, for working really hard on this.



Changing weather.

Good morning. We hope you’re all well.

A quick reminder that if you need some activities to keep you busy whilst it is raining, we have put some home activities here.

If you would like to e-mail us, telling us what you have been doing at home, you can write to us using the address below.

Keeping in touch!

A great big hello to reception! We hope that you are safe, happy and keeping busy whilst you are at home. We have really missed seeing and teaching you and would love to find out about what you have been up to. We have decided to start a reception pen-pal system so that we can keep in contact. If you have completed/created any work that you would like to share with us or there is anything that you would like to talk about then please email our reception email address which is:

We can then reply to your emails when we are able to do so, during normal school hours. We really look forward to hearing from you all!

Mrs Croft, Mrs Garraway, Miss Hedges and all of the reception team 😊


Reading books.

Good morning.

We’re very keen to keep you all reading whilst you’re at home. It helps pass the time, develop your imagination and gives you a chance to show off to your grown ups how well you’ve learnt your phonics this year.

We’ve set books on bug club for you to read at home-take a look if you haven’t logged in for a while. Your user name is the first 4 letters of your first name and the first 4 letters of your surname. Your default password is-password. You can then change it when you log on.

Bug club

If you want to look at some other books, your grown ups can register for free on the website below which will give you access to lots more books to read to keep you busy,


Good afternoon.

We hope you’re all enjoying the sunshine. We wanted to show you a new initiative that is being launched on Monday to help your child access phonics lessons. Every day there will be a new  lesson posted online at a certain time.  You can then access the lesson whenever you want,  with your child at a time that suits you.

There are 3 different levels of lessons released each day.

1-Learning to Blend. This is the lesson to work through if your child still finds it tricky to put together sounds to make a word e.g. b – i – g  is big.

2-Reception. These are the lessons that contain the content that your child would be taught during the summer term in Reception.

3-Year 1. These are the lessons that contain the content your child would be taught during the summer term in Year 1. Year 2’s could also do these lessons to keep their phonics knowledge going.

If your child is finding a lesson too tricky, try doing the earlier lesson to build their confidence-its about the children keeping up regular practise and having a go.

Remember there are also the bug club books online to help you keep up with your phonics based reading.

The links below are for the letter to parents explaining more and a link to the channel.

Thank you for all the hard work you are putting in at home with your children. You are all doing a fantastic job. Stay safe.

Letter to parents and carers about online phonics lessons (003)

Letters and Sounds Lessons

Talking about worries.

We hope you’re all enjoying the sunshine. It can be all too easy at the moment to let our worries take over. It can be difficult to know how to talk to young children about what is happening and reassure them. We have found a resource to help you talk to your children below.

Stay safe all.

Heroes Art Project

Miss Mogg has set you all a task to create a piece of art work based on the title ‘Heroes’. You can make anything you like and then send in a photo of your finished masterpieces to by Wednesday 29th April. Only artwork emailed in will be included in the finished film we will put together- anything shared directly on Facebook will be celebrated but won’t be added to the film.

We can’t wait to see what you create! Here is a photo of Miss Mogg’s Hero art.