Diwali- Reception

This week we have been learning all about Diwali. We have shared books with information about Diwali, made some Diya lamps with playdough and written some Diwali cards. The children absolutely loved learning about Rangoli patterns and have had lots of fun designing our own Rangoli patterns on the school playground using chalk.

Interfaith Week 2023

Our Interfaith Week resources have arrived! The children are invited to get creative to celebrate Interfaith Week this year. They can make a poster or artwork; research a faith and present the facts; make up a song, dance or story…or anything else that takes their fancy!  The aim is celebrate, learn, show respect and appreciate the value of diversity. Please hand in your entry to Mrs Holt, Mrs Swan or Mrs Probert by Monday 20th November. Winners will be celebrated and prizes given during Celebration Assembly. We can’t wait to see what you create!

Drop in phonics sessions

A reminder for all parents/carers of Foundation Stage children-Reception and Nursery. We will be holding a phonics drop in session tomorrow (Thursday 16th November) from 8.45-9.15 and 2.30-3.00.
Come and look at our phonics resources and find out how we help your child to begin their reading and writing journey. Entrance to the green room is opposite the main big gates to the staff car park.

Reception’s Odd sock day

We have had a lovely day today for Odd sock day. We had a special assembly all about celebrating our differences and how it would be a very boring world if we were all the same. We have worn odd socks today to help us remember the importance of everyone being different and how we should be kind to everyone.

Dentist visit

On Tuesday, we had a visit from a lady from the 0-19 healthcare team. She talked to us about how to keep our teeth nice and healthy. We talked about how to brush our teeth effectively, how long to brush for and how often. We also talked about spitting and not rinsing. We talked about which foods were healthy for our teeth and had a go at brushing the dragons teeth.


School disco!

We had such a wonderful time at our first ever school disco! Here is a photo of the best bit when the foam came!

Reception art- Yayoi Kusama

In Reception we have been looking at some art work by a Japanese artist called Yayoi Kusama (pronounced Ya-yoy Koo-sama). Yayoi Kusama is known for her extensive use of polka dots. We have been producing some art work in this style this week. We have focused on making pumpkin pictures using polka dots as Yayoi Kusama has produced lots of art using pumpkins. We have also been reading our story of the week ‘Pumpkin Soup’. While making our polka dot pictures we have been learning about what the 3 primary colours are-red, blue and yellow. Next week we will be experimenting to see what happens when we mix the primary colours together.

Smashing Pumpkins

This week as part of our topic book Pumpkin soup by Helen Cooper we had some pumpkins outside and we all really enjoyed scooping out the pulp and seeds. We are going to dry the seeds and use them to make some pictures.

Book Fair! 📚😊

We will be holding our annual book fair next week, from Monday 13th November to Wednesday 15th November, where there will be lots of fantastic books for children of all ages. There are hundreds of titles available, starting from just £2.99! All books sold will contribute towards earning free books for school 😊

The book fair will be open in the large hall after school on these days. Your child will have the opportunity to look around the book fair during the school time. If you are unable to attend the book fair in person, your child can bring a wish list home: you can then select a book, make an online payment and your child can collect their book from the fair the following day.

We look forward to seeing you there! 😊

Phonics and Early Reading Workshop for Parents

Little Wandle

Thank you to all of the parents that took the time to attend the Phonics and Early Reading workshops before half term! We hope that you found it useful.

For further information about the Little Wandle Letters and Sounds Revised Programme go to https://www.littlewandlelettersandsounds.org.uk/resources/for-parents/. Here you will be able to access videos which show you how to pronounce the sounds and how we teach your child specific aspects of phonics in class. There is also downloadable information to support your child at home.

On Thursday 16th November, we will be holding an Early Phonics drop in session from 8.45-9.15 and 2.30-3.00 for parents of children in our Foundation Stage (Reception and Nursery). Pop in and look at our resources and ask any questions about how you can help your child to acquire key phonic skills and begin their reading journey. There is no need to book, just turn up at any time for either session!

If you have any further questions about Phonics or Early Reading please don’t hesitate to talk to your child’s class teacher.

Thank you again for your continued support.