Maths – it’s me 1,2,3!

This week, we have completed our learning on it’s me 1,2,3! We talked about 1 more and 1 less and have taken part in lots of different activities. Here are some photos of what we have been up to.

Forming letter a

This week, we have been learning how to write the letter a. We have learnt the formation phrase ‘around the astronauts helmet and down into space’. This is a tricky letter to write so please practise this at home too! Thank you.

Little wandle assessments

This week, we have completed our first Little Wandle phonics assessment. The children have all done brilliantly and shown us what they have learnt. We will be updating Tapestry with the sounds your child needs to practise and how they got on. If you could please practise these with your child it will help them to learn them more quickly. After half term, we will be learning lots of new sounds as well as revising the ones we have already learnt.
Have a lovely half term!

Book of the Week

Every week we have a ‘book of the week’. We read the same story every afternoon for a week so the children become really familiar with the story. We learn lots of new vocabulary from these stories as well as learning about characters and how they are feeling. By the end of the week, the children in Reception have been able to join in with the story and able to tell us about what has happened. The photo with this post shows all the books we have read this half term.


As part of our superhero work, we talked about all the super powers we have that make us every day superheroes.

Art Competition! 🖌✏🖌✏🖌✏🖌

Our art competition is inspired by the artist Henry Fraser. We heard about him today during assembly.

Below is a link all about him.

The competition is to produce a piece of art, painting preferably, by holding the paintbrush in your mouth. You will have to persevere, it will be tricky but try your very best!

Entries have to be in after half term on the 6th November. Give them to Mrs Blair, Mrs Bridgwater or Mrs Probert.

Good luck!


Reception- Recycling Week

This week in reception we have talked about National recycling Week. We read a book called ‘The Tip’ and talked about what items we can recycle. We recycled some cardboard boxes and turned them into houses making sure we included a roof, windows, doors and some had chimneys.

Reception map work using The Everywhere Bear

This week, we have been looking at the Julia Donaldson Story ‘The Everywhere Bear’.

We have talked about his journey and discussed how maps can tell us where to go.

As a class, we then made a map of where the bear went and took him on his journey.

Can your child tell you where he went using the video below?

Phonics and Early Reading Workshop for Parents

We are holding sessions for this at 2:30pm and 5:30pm on Thursday 26th October.

During these sessions we will be sharing how we teach early reading and spelling in reception and key stage 1. We will also discuss how you can support your child at home with reading.

If you are interested in attending one of these sessions, please sign up through ParentPay.