Tricky words

These are the tricky words that we have been learning over the past year:

is, I, the

put, pull, full, as, and, has, his, her, go, no, to, into, she, push, he, of, we, me, be.

was, you, they, my, by, all, are, sure, pure.

See if you cant spot these in your child’s reading book and recall what the tricky word is!


This week we will be consolidating the sounds that we have already learnt, whilst introducing double letters and longer words.

We will be encouraging the children to ‘chunk it up’ when sound talking words and when blending for reading. For example:

Instead of sound talking ‘sunset’ we ask the children to sound talk ‘sun’ and then ‘set’ and join them up together.

It would be brilliant if you could continue to practise recognising the phase three digraphs and trigraphs that we have learnt to ensure your child can recall these rapidly.

Phonics week beginning 30th January

The children have been working incredibly hard whilst learning some tricky digraphs and trigraphs! We have been really impressed with their writing and being able to spot the digraphs/trigraphs in words that they have been reading. When you are reading the phonics book at home with your child, see if they can spot these before they read the word.

Here are some videos to support your child’s phonic knowledge.

Lesson 25 – Review the week – YouTube

Lesson 26 – air fair – YouTube

Lesson 27 – er hammer – YouTube

Lesson 28 – Read words with double letters – YouTube

Lesson 29 – Read words with double letters – YouTube

Lesson 30 – Review the week – YouTube

Phonics week beginning 16th January

This week we have continued to work on phase three sounds.  This week we have learnt the following sounds:

oo  oo  ar  or

Please find below some videos to watch at home with your children to help them develop their phonic knowledge.

Lesson 16 – oo moon – YouTube

Lesson 17 – oo book – YouTube

Lesson 18 – ar car – YouTube

Lesson 19 – or horn – YouTube

Lesson 20 – Review the week – YouTube

Phonics- week beginning 9th January

This week we have moved on to phase three sounds. The children have been taking part in a lot more writing alongside practising their blending skills. This week we have learnt the following sounds:

ai  ee  igh  oa

Please find below some videos to watch at home with your children to help them develop their phonic knowledge.

Lesson 11 – ai rain – YouTube

Lesson 12 – ee see – YouTube

Lesson 13 – igh light – YouTube

Lesson 14 – oa goat – YouTube

Lesson 15 – Review the week – YouTube


We have finished our phase two phonics this half term! The children have been assessed and we are working hard to catch up the children where they have gaps. Below, we have attached some videos of some of the sounds that the children have found tricky. It would be great if you could watch these with your children and work on the sounds at home.


Phonics Autumn 2 Week 3

This week we will be learning the phonemes:

z zz qu ch

We have spoke the children a lot about some of the words that we use when talking about phonics. Here is a reminder of some key terms:

phoneme- the spoken sound

grapheme- the written sound

digraph- two letters, one sound

Please find below the links to videos that will support your child’s phonic knowledge.

Phonics Autumn 2 Week 2

This week, the children have been working very hard to learn some new phonemes. These are:

v w x y

We have worked really hard on the correct pronunciation and have been incredibly impressed with the effort everyone has put in this week.


Phonics autumn two, week one

Following our first half term assessment, the children have been busy consolidating their phonic knowledge. Next week, we will be introducing the following sounds:

ff  ll  ss  j

Please watch the following videos at home with your child to help them develop their understanding.