Phonics week beginning 7th October

This week we will be learning the following sounds:

h b f l

Here are the videos to help support your child’s learning!

Phonics week 4

This week we have been learning the sounds

ck e u r

Here are the videos of the lessons we have taught this week.



Phonics week beginning 26th September

This week we will be learning the following sounds:

g    o    c   k

Please find the videos below to watch with your child at home to help them develop their recognition of sounds and blending skills.


Phonics week beginning 20th September

This week we will be learning the sounds i , n, m and d. We will be sending home a sheet for you to practise last weeks sounds with your child. Please find the videos to the sounds we will be learning- it would be great if you could watch these to support your child’s learning.



Little Wandle Phonics- Week beginning 12th September

Next week we will be starting our phonics lessons with the children. Each week we will send out the links to the lessons that go with the sounds we will be learning. It would be great if you could watch these with your children at home to support them in their phonics learning!

Next week we will be learning the following sounds:

s    a    t   p


Phonics at St George’s

Next week, we will be starting our phonics programme which is called ‘Little Wandle’. Below is a link to the Little Wandle website where you can find out lots of information, including the correct pronunciation of the phonemes and the order they are taught.

Next week, we will be starting with the phonemes (sounds) s,a,t,p.


Thank you!

As we come to the end of the year, we just wanted to say a massive thank you for your support with your child’s reading and phonics learning this year. The children have all come a long way since September and your help has been invaluable. Check out the Little Wandle YouTube channel if you want to fit in any more phonics practise over the summer- there are lots of home learning videos for you to have a look at!


Phonics summer term

We are incredibly proud of how well the children have done this year with their phonics. For the final few weeks, we will be having a focus on writing words and sentences that contain phase 2 and phase 3 sounds. Thank you for all your support this year.

Phonics- week beginning 15th May 2022

We have recently had a check on how we are getting on with our phonics and some of the children might have changed groups!

Mrs Croft’s group will be working on sh ch th.

Mrs McEvoy’s group with be working on oo (moon) oo (book) ar or.

Mrs Garraway’s group will be working on revising the following sounds: ai ee igh oo oa ar or ur ow oi ear.

Mrs Mackeen’s group will be working on cvcc words. (consonant-vowel-consonant-consonant e.g. tent)

The children have shown us just how good they are at using the sounds they know to read words. We are now focussing more on using these sounds when writing words and simple sentences. It would be great if alongside your child’s four times a week reading, if you could practise writing words that follow what your child has been working on in their group.

Phonics assessments

This week, we have been assessing the children’s knowledge of the phase 3 sounds and their ability to read a variety of words containing these sounds. We have been really pleased with how all of the children have got on.