
We have been really impressed with just how well the children have been doing with their phonics! The children have all been practising using their known sounds in their writing as well as the tricky words we have learnt.

This week, we will be learning the following sounds:

ur   ow   oi  ear

If you can, watch the video links below and then challenge your child to write some words that include the sounds that we are learning. Feel free to take pictures of anything that they do and pop it onto Tapestry!

Spring term Phonics overview


We are continuing to follow The Letters and Sounds scheme.

This term, we will be revising our phase 2 sounds and starting to learn the phase 3 sounds. We will be continuing the work on blending and segmenting to ensure that children have fully mastered this key skill.  Here is a handy blending guide to help you at home.

This week (5.1.21) we will be revising the di-graphs ff,ll,ss and the tricky words the, no, into.

Your child will be reading to an adult at least once a week in school and we encourage you all to get back into the habit of regular reading at home (at least 4 times a week) and writing in the reading diary. The phonics books are changed every Tuesday and Friday and your child can change their story book whenever they want to.

We will continue to choose a ‘Reader of the week’ from each class every Friday who will receive a special sticker, a book mark and they also get to choose from the Readers Treasure Chest.

Phonics and stories

We are now coming to the end of our Phase 2 phonics sounds. Over the next week, we will be checking the sounds the children know and helping them to use these sounds when reading.

Thank you for all your support with this over this term. The children have amazed us with how well they are learning the sounds.

Please continue to write in their reading diaries regularly as we enjoy seeing how proud the children are of their reading abilities.


This week we will be learning the sounds l, ll and ss. We will also be practising tricky words with the children so that they ca recognise them by sight. Here are the tricky words that we are learning:

I   the   no   go  to  into



Next week in phonics we will be learning the following sounds:

h   b  f  ff

See if your child can spot the sounds in their reading books.

We will be sending your child home with a tricky words bookmark. This is to help them practise recognising the words that they can’t just sound out. It would be brilliant if you could practise these at home.


This week in phonics we will be learning the following sounds:

ck   e   u   r

The children have been introduced to a new word this week. We have explained that the ‘ck’ sound is a digraph. A digraph are two letters that go together to make one sound.



Next week, we will be looking at the following sounds:

g    o    c    k

Have a look at the videos below with your child and practise some of the sounds.



We have been really impressed with how well the children have got on with their first week of phase two letters and sounds. They have been using magnetic letters to recognise sounds. and make vc and cvc words.

After half term, we will be continuing our letters and sounds. The sounds we will be learning are:

i  n  m  d

It would be brilliant if you could have a look at these sounds with your children. If you have any ‘wow’ moments it would be brilliant if you could send these to our recpetion team email address.

Please find below a link to a phase two tricky words song. These are the words that children need to be able to recognise as they cannot be sounded out.



The children have been working hard on being able to hear sounds in words and practising their skills of segmenting and blending.

Next week, we will be starting phase two letters and sounds. We will be teaching the children the following sounds:

s   a  t  p

How to pronounce phonemes:

It would be lovely if you could spend some time looking for these sounds in the books they read and around the environment they are in.

Please find below a link to help with your understanding of early reading and writing.

Phase 1 phonics.

In Reception, we follow the ‘Letters and Sounds’ phonics scheme.

For the first half term, we will be working on our Phase 1 skills.

By encouraging all the children to join in and develop their skills, it will help them to begin to understand how sounds and words work to help them to develop their early reading and writing skills.

We will be looking at

1-Environmental sounds. What sounds can we hear around us. Are they loud? Quiet? What might be making the sounds?

2-Instrumental sounds. How can you play these instruments. Can you find the instrument that made that sound? Can you copy a sequence of 3 sounds in the right order?

3-Body percussion. Can you sing songs and action rhymes?

4-Rhythm and Rhyme. Can you clap out the syllables in a word/name? Can you hear and make up rhyming words? Which word does/doesn’t rhyme?

5-Alliteration. What sound does this word begin with? Can you play I spy?

6-Voice sounds. Can you use your mouth to make different sounds? These can be animal sounds and letter sounds.

7-Oral blending and segmenting. Can you say the sounds in a word? Can you squash sounds together to make a word?

Cup is c  u  p

m  a  t  is mat

To develop our muscles for writing, we will be doing daily Dough Disco sessions and also getting moving with Squiggle whilst you Wiggle.

As with anything in school, please e-mail or ask us if you have any questions.