All are welcome

We hope you’ve enjoyed your summer and we’re looking forward to welcoming both familiar and new faces on Monday.

In Foundation stage, the adults are very excited to be meeting all the new Reception children and parents. The Reception teachers have recorded a story so that you can watch it with your children to familiarise them with our faces.

Enjoy your last few days off.



Tricky words

In reception, we learn to write by learning the letters and writing the sounds we can ‘hear’ in a word e.g. h   a   t

We also learn how to spell and read tricky words. These are words that can’t be sounded out or have sounds we haven’t learnt yet.

The first ones are here-this is a song we sing in letters and sounds.  Phase 2 word song








we then look at these ones. Phase 3 word song












Mental health week.

As part of our discussion on mental health, today we read ‘My big shouting day’ for story time. We talked about feeling cross or sad and then discussed how it’s ok to be sad but that if you do want to make yourself feel better you could

-go for a walk

-play with your favourite toy



-sing a song

-cuddle a pet

The children came up with these ideas on their own.

Well done Reception.

Active Friday!

Reception have had a super afternoon being active.

We have run and walked around the running track to improve our resilience and stamina. We have also been stretching our muscles, balancing and increasing our flexibility  by passing bean bags to each other using 2 hands.

Thank you to those who sent their children in PE kits today.

Apologies to those who didn’t get the message.

Next Friday ( 15th May ) is pyjama day so they won’t need to come in PE kits.

Have a lovely weekend.

From all the Reception team.


Friday Work 🌈❤

Good morning Reception! Well it is the very last day of home school today. We hope you are excited to come into school on Monday. All of the Reception staff are looking forward to seeing your smiley faces!

Letters and sounds 📚

Look at the PowerPoint and help Goldilocks and the three bears find the missing phoneme.


Fine Motor ✍

Use the gingerbread man pencil control sheet to see if you can follow the patterns carefully.


Maths: ➕🔢

We have reached the number 20! Have a go at the activity sheet.

All About Number 20 PowerPoint

All About the Number 20 Activity Sheet



Can you run around your garden 20 times. See how quickly you can do it.

Topic 🐲

Next week, we will all be coming back to school. We are looking forward to seeing all your smiling faces.

Can you draw a picture of yourself and write your name on the dragons scale? Bring it to school on Monday and we will use them to make a class dragon now that we are all back together.

Dragon scale

Thursday work. World Book day! 📚

Letters and sounds

See if you can read the words and decide if they are real or nonsense.



Join in with our Cosmic kids yoga. Today we are doing ‘The masked singer’ yoga!


Today our focus number is the number 19.

Have a go at this activity sheet and watch the numberblocks episode all about the number 19. All About Number 19 PowerPoint

All About the Number 19 Activity Sheet


Today is World book day. If you would like to dress up/send us an email of your favourite book, we would love to see them.

Can you draw your favourite book cover and write the title?

Design a book cover

You could make a mask so that you can be the character from your book.

Make a mask


Wednesday Work 🌈

Letters and sounds 👂

Today we are looking at the ‘ear’ sound.

Have a go at the worksheets below.

Ear Words and Pictures

Use Your Ears to Hear Game

Fine motor  ✏

See if you can cut and stick the shapes to make your own castle!…/t-t-29279-2d-shape-castle-pictures-activity-sheets.pdf

Maths: ➕

Today our focus number is 18. It is made up of One Ten and Eight Ones.

All About Number 18 PowerPoint

Have a go at the activity sheets to accurately count to 18. Make sure you double check your answers.

All About the Number 18 Activity Sheet


Topic 📚

Use Youtube kids to find a video of your favourite story. Is it exactly the same as the book?

Can you do this word search about books?

Word search

Who would you like to share a story with?

Share a story picture

Tuesday work! 📗

Letters and sounds.

Have a go at reading the words and matching the pictures to the word.

Then, try our reading comprehension sheet. Read the caption and tick the correct picture .t-e-2551784-phase-2-early-reading-comprehension-interactive-pdf_ver_4

Fine motor

Today we will be writing the letter ‘e’. Join in with squiglet and have a go!


Today we are learning all about the number 17! Go through the PowerPoint and then have a go at the activity sheet.

All About Number 17 PowerPoint

All About the Number 17 Activity Sheet


Watch this episode of number blocks.

Topic 📚

This week, it is World Book day on Thursday. We will be talking about our favourite books and stories all week.

What is your favourite book? Why is it your favourite?

Can you guess the story from the clues in this activity?

Guess that story

Use your books to go on a book scavenger hunt. What can you find?

Book scavenger hunt

Can you make a puppet of a character from your favourite story?

Finger puppets

Fridays work 🐉

Happy Friday, Enjoy half term and a week of no home schooling!

Letters and sounds

Tricky words song

Have a go at making your own tricky words symphony. See the youtube clip below for ideas! Say the word and ask your child to find it. If you have instruments at home you could even use those-or make your own!


Fine motor

Have a go at these Chinese new year pencil control sheets.

chinese new year pencil control sheets


Dance along with this video and make the shapes.




Use the safe search engine kidrex


to look up Chinese dragon dance videos.


Can you copy any of the moves?

Use one of the craft sheets to make a dragon

3d dragon

Spiral dragon

make a chinese drum

Friday-make a dragon

Dragon cutting skills

chinese dragon mask

Dragon colouring

Dragon colour by numbers