Monday’s lessons

Good morning! We hope that you have enjoyed a lovely weekend and are feeling refreshed and ready for another week.

Letters and sounds

Today we are going to look at the long oo sound. Watch and join with the video of Mrs Garraway below. – long oo lesson

You can have a go at the ‘star word hunt’ activity below. All you need is some sand, flour or crunched up cereals to hide the stars. You can even just hide them around your house! There is also a mission to the moon game to play!

Find the oo Stars Cut Outs    Mission to the Moon Board Game

Fine motor

This week our get squiggling will be ’Troll’. See if you can follow Squiglet and join in!


Go through the bitesize video that explains what a 3D shape is.

Have a go at playing the games to help identify 3D shapes. 

There are also some 2 and 3 d shape activities on Purple Mash that you can do.


Today’s theme for our wellbeing week is ‘be active’.

There are lots of things that you could do! You could go out for a walk with your family or dog, you could have a go at some online workouts, you could dance to your favourite song or play with a ball/hoop/skipping rope in your garden.

If you go out on a walk, how about having a go at filling out our tick list sheets. See if you can spot all the things on the list and tick them off!

Buildings checklist Spring checklist Winter checklist

You could even have a go at mile Monday! See if you can walk/run/cycle a mile, take a picture and share it to our facebook page or send it to our email address.

Be active, stay healthy!


Good afternoon Reception.

I hope you’re all keeping well.

Here is the video for everyone that sent in jumpers for this weeks home learning challenge. It is lovely to see more of you taking part each week.

Our favourite jumpers

There will be a new challenge posted on Monday evening-you’ll need some pips to shake!

Reception penguin challenge.

Well done everybody.

You have made some super penguins from your home learning challenge this week.

We will set a new one on Monday evening.

Have a great weekend.

From all the Reception team.


Thursday Activities

Letters and sounds: 

Our phoneme today is ‘ng’. Watch this video of Mrs Garraway as she helps us understand our new digraph.

Print off or make your own copy of the board below. You will need something to ‘splat’ with. It could be a fly swatter, a spatula or even a spoon! Ask your adult to sound out words, give you a sound or a tricky word to find. When you find it, splat it! Happy splatting!


Starter – Play this helicopter rescue game to find the numbers.

Use your tens frame from yesterday to have a go at these questions. Remember to put the biggest number of polar bears on the tens frame and then takeaway the smaller number.



Go through this PowerPoint with the help of the Go Jetters. See what you can learn about Antarctica.


Penguin challenge

With nothing to do and nowhere to go, Mrs Croft got a bit bored this weekend and decided to make a penguin.

Can you use household objects to make a penguin?

She used clothes for the body, tealights and grapes for the eyes, a glasses cleaning cloth for the beak, satsumas for the feet and remote controls for the flippers.

Can you make a penguin using household items?

If you send us the photos, we can make a penguin parade!

Have fun-we can’t wait to see what you come up with.


Penguin week

For your topic work this week, We are going to set some challenges.

You don’t have to do them all but if you do any of them, we would love to see the photos.

Watch the power point and then make your own penguin facts book-Penguin fact file

Label the penguin – label the penguin

Use bricks to build an igloo.

Learn about floating in salty water-Salty experiment

Complete a challenge from this sheet – Home learning challenges

Learn a rhyme-5 little penguins

Do some penguin art

Fingerprint penguin art

How to draw a penguin

Cardboard tube penguins


Daily activities to do. 📚✏

Daily Name writing! 

Use the link below to help you form your letters correctly. We would like you to write your First name and Surname.

Daily reading! 

Even though you are at home, we still want you to keep up with that fantastic reading. There are lots of books on bug club for you to read. If you need any log in information please email us at 

Please also use this brilliant link below, it goes through some of the key teaching points and supports the phonics learning in letters and sounds.

Christmas songs

Christmas has come to Reception!

We have been very busy this week doing lots of Christmas crafts which the children will bring home next Thursday (17th December).

This week, we have really enjoyed singing Christmas songs-Jingle Bells, Rudolph and a couple of new ones which you may not have heard before. We’ve put the lyrics below  for a festive sing-a-long at home.  There are actions for each song that your children should be able to show you.


Christmas Pudding, Christmas pudding

Steaming hot, Steaming hot

Sprinkle on the sugar, sprinkle on the sugar

Eat the lot. Eat the lot.

5 little Christmas trees, standing all alone

Their hears are very sad because they haven’t got a home

Then CHOP went the axe, down came the tree

And off they went with a happy family.

4 little Christmas trees……….

3 little Christmas trees ……….

2 little Christmas trees ……….

1 little Christmas tree ……….

No little Christmas trees standing all alone. Their hearts are very full because they’ve all found homes.