Advent. Week beginning 30th Nov.

This week in Reception, we will start to talk about advent and Christmas.

We will discuss advent in preparation for starting our school advent calendars on Tuesday.

Christmas lessons

We will also be writing to Santa and starting to make Christmas cards.

We will look at numbers and time  on our advent calendar

Maths lessons

The phonics this week will be h, b, f, ff.

Online phonics lessons can be found here.

Work for week beginning 23rd November

In reception this week, we will be looking at the letters

ck, e, u, r

The website below has phonics lessons you can do at home

Phonics lessons

In maths, we are continuing to look at numbers to 20.

Maths lessons

We will be looking at space for our topic work.

Space lessons

If you would like to use ay craft bits you have at home to make a space picture, we would love to see it.

You can also squiggle an astronaut and the letter a by watching the following videos to help/

Draw a spaceman         Write the letter a

Remember to e-mail us if you have any questions or any work you want to share with us.


Last week we looked at Autumn in Reception. We’ve been on some Autumn walks, used what we found to make leaf pictures and have been busy looking at pumpkins.

For the last week, we will be basing our work on the book ‘The Colour Monster’ by Anna Llenas.

We will talk about feelings and how our faces can show how we are feeling. We will talk about things that make us happy. We will also make different coloured collages for a display that we can use to discuss our feelings. All our afternoon activities will be based on this theme-sorting small pom-poms using tweezers, drawing monsters, sorting bricks to help the monster and pencil control sheets with different kinds of lines on them.

In Maths, we are looking at all the numbers up to 10. We will write them, count out matching amounts, order then and write them.

In letters and sounds, we will be starting to look at some letters. We will look at s,a, t. We will try and hear those sounds in words and write them using paint, shaving foam and sand trays.

Friday is a PD day so this week, we will change the phonic books on Tuesday and Thursday.

Table manners

This week, we have had a very exciting visitor. Mrs Sixsmith has been to each class to read us a story. We talked about table manners.

We have been set a ‘cutlery challenge’ Can you learn how to use a knife and fork? If you could help your child practise at home, it will help them  at lunch times.   We will be looking in the dinner hall and rewarding children who use them correctly.

Good luck!

Red Riding Hood

Good morning.

The children continue to enjoy coming to school-its a joy to see them running in smiling every morning. They are working so hard and its lovely to see them enjoy learning.

Over the next two weeks, we will be looking at the story of Little Red Riding Hood.

In Letters and Sounds, we continue to practise our listening skills. We are also working on using our mouths to say the sounds in words-we are working on short words with 3 sounds and we try to say the first, middle and last sound. This will help us hear the sounds for our reading and writing next half term.

We will continue to develop our reading skills by retelling stories, listening to others reading us stories and talking about and linking pictures in books. We are also now pointing at words and starting to point to each word and move our finger along the text from left to right.

Well done to all the children that are reading at home-you are helping develop good habits that will help your children develop a real love for books and reading.

We will continue to develop our fine motor pre-writing skills by squiggling pictures, going to the dough disco and writing our names in shaving foam, sand and using water on paintbrushes/

We are working hard to develop a good tripod pencil grip when making marks.

In Maths, we will focus on the number 8. We will write it (make an ‘s’ and climb back up), count it and look at different ways to make that number. We will also be learning about and making patterns.

We will be having a go at drawing and writing what we would put in a picnic basket for Grandma.

PE is on a Friday (no PE kits needed yet) We are enjoying going into the hall and will be practising patterns of moving e.g. hop then skip, jump then step, building up to a sequence of moves e.g. jump, jump, step.

We will be going outside in all weathers so please make sure your child has a warm waterproof coat in school.

Activities you could do at home:-

Develop their blending and segmenting skills playing a game of Simon says.

E.g. Simon says h-o-p. Simon says s-k-i-p.

Can they remember some of this things red riding hood says?

Go on a 8 hunt. Where can you see these numbers? Can you collect 8 things from the house?

Can you use household items to make a repeating pattern?

Can you draw a route through the forest for Red Riding Hood to follow?

Can you make a food item to take to Red Riding Hood’s grandma? You could make a sandwich, a biscuit or a cake.

Feel free to email us photos of you and your child doing the activities above on

Jack and the Beanstalk-Part 2!

Good afternoon.

We hope you’re all well. The children have been really busy in school this week and are continuing to enjoy all our activities.

Over the next week, we will continue talking about the story of Jack and the Beanstalk.

In Letters and Sounds, we continue to practise our listening skills. We are working hard to segment and blend sounds – even when we read the dinner menu.

We will continue to develop our reading skills by retelling stories, listening to others reading us stories and talking about and linking pictures in books.

Well done to all the children that are reading at home-you are helping develop good habits that will help your children develop a real love for books and reading.

We will continue to develop our fine motor pre-writing skills by squiggling pictures, going to the dough disco and using cars in water to make marks.

We are working hard to develop a good tripod pencil grip when making marks.

In Maths, we will focus on the numbers 6 and 7. We will write them, count them and look at different ways to make that number. We will also be using and learning positional language e.g. in front, behind, above, below, left and right.

We will be having a go at using our imaginations to talk about what could be at the top of a beanstalk.

On our garden yard, we will plant some seeds and dig up the vegetables we grew over the summer.

PE is on a Friday (no PE kits needed yet) We are enjoying going into the hall and will be practising moving and dancing like some of the characters from the story.

We will be going outside in all weathers so please make sure your child has a warm waterproof coat in school.

Activities you could do at home:-

Can you sort some household items into groups of initial sounds e.g. find things that being with s and things that begin with p.

Can they retell you the story of Jack and the Beanstalk?

Go on a 6/7 hunt. Where can you see these numbers? Can you collect 6/7 of household items/toys?

Can you play hunt the bear? Hide the bear and give your child clues e.g. under the table, behind the door..

Draw/paint a picture of what could be at the top of a beanstalk.

Plant a bean. Over time, observe it and keep a bean diary, recording what happens as it grows.

Feel free to email us photos of you and your child doing the activities above on

Jack and the Beanstalk

Jack and The Beanstalk: Christmas Panto | Live Family @ Lancaster Grand  Theatre

Good afternoon.

We have had yet another super week in Reception and continue to be amazed at how well the children have settled into school. It really is lovely to see them arrive every day with a big smile on their faces ready for the day ahead.

Over the next two week, we will be talking about the story of Jack and the Beanstalk.

In Letters and Sounds, we continue to practise our listening skills. We will also start to look more closely at initial sounds and practise saying the sound a word begins with.

We will start our group reading with an adult. We will practise turning pages, talking about the story and pointing to the words.

We will continue to develop our fine motor pre-writing skills by drawing in flour, chalking and painting with water.

In Maths, we will focus on the numbers 6 and 7. We will write them, count them and look at different ways to make that number. We will also be using and naming 2d shapes.

We will be making beanstalks from classroom resources e.g. bricks, blocks, paint, collage.

On our garden yard, we will plant some seeds and dig up the vegetables we grew over the summer.

PE is on a Friday (no PE kits needed yet) We are enjoying going into the hall and will be practising moving like some of the characters from the story.

Activities you could do at home:-

Play I spy to start to hear the sound at the beginning of a word.

Go on a 6/7 hunt. Where can you see these numbers? Can you collect 6/7 of household items/toys?

Look at different types of leaves-use them to make leaf print pictures.

Plant a bean. Over time, observe it and keep a bean diary, recording what happens as it grows.

Feel free to email us photos of you and your child doing the activities above on



We’ve had a super first week  and we are so proud of how well the children are adjusting to full time school. They are gaining independence when putting their things away and are enjoying making new friends in their classes.

Next week, we will carry on talking about Goldilocks and the 3 bears.

In maths, we will be focusing on the numbers 4 and 5. We will be counting amounts, identifying groups of 4 and 5 and writing the numbers.

In letters and sounds, we will be working on our listening skills and trying to hear initial sounds in words e.g. s for sun, b for bat.

Here is a video showing you how we pronounce the sounds in school

Sound articulation

For our writing development, we will be tracing lines, using paint to write our names and going to the ‘dough disco’

For our Goldilocks work, we will be making masks, pretending to be characters from the story and cutting out bears.

On Friday, we will go to the hall for PE where we will practise taking our shoes and socks off and do some dancing. (PE kits are still not needed)


Activities you could do at home this week are

Can your child retell the Goldilocks story?

You could make and try some porridge or oat biscuits.

What numbers can you see on your way to school? What number is your house?






Good afternoon. Here are some photos we have taken of some of the areas around school. We re all working hard to get the classrooms ready and we will put some photos of those on here next week.



We are looking forward to meeting you all next week on Wednesday 2nd September and have got lots of fun activities planned.

From Mrs Croft, Miss Hedges, Mrs Garraway and all the Reception staff.