
Monday 26th June, 2023

History Nearby!

A fantastic opportunity to see some real History nearby! 

Click the image to book your tickets!

History Team

Friday 23rd June, 2023

Thank You!

MASSIVE thanks to everyone for supporting our Summer Fair today. We were so pleased that we had such a great turn out. We will let you know on Monday what we raised. All money goes to school and we are using it to buy a 3D printer to use in design and technology lessons.
This is the first fair organised by our new PTFA and we cannot thank you all enough- we know this has taken weeks to organise and such a lot of work was put into the event. Thank you so much.
Thanks also to staff for giving up their own time to help us run the stalls and tidy up after the event. A great job everyone!
Friday 23rd June, 2023

Charity Music Concert

Well done to all the children who performed this week at our charity music concert in Church. We were treated to fantastic performances from both of our choirs, ocarina club, recorder club and children who learn to play music instruments through Telford Music Service. We also enjoyed guest appearances from students at TPS secondary school and a dance by our visiting Nepali teachers.
Together, we raised almost £400 for our two charities of the year which are Prevent All and Classrooms in the Clouds. It was a great event supported by our parents and carers so thank you to everyone who bought tickets and came along on the day.
Friday 23rd June, 2023

Visitors From Nepal

We have loved having the four visiting teachers from Nepal in school this week. They have visited lots of classes throughout the week. These are some photos from them coming to Church with us and in spending time in Year 1.

We had a visitor from Nepal this week, her name was Sharmilla.
Chhiring and children from 1H.

Thursday 22nd June, 2023

Debating- 10 by 10 celebration event

Today some of our debate team joined lots of other schools from Telford to celebrate the 10 by 10 event. The children saw performances and presentations on what is on offer for them in the borough and even got a special mention for all their hard work in debating! They particularly enjoyed the cakes and balloons!
If you want to find out more about the council’s 10 by 10 campaign, you can find more information on their website: https://10by10.telford.gov.uk/

Thursday 22nd June, 2023

Summer Fair Details

New poster for tomorrow’s Summer Fair. This details all the wonderful stalls we have planned for you to enjoy!


Monday 19th June, 2023

Year 1/2 sports day postponed due to weather

Due to the very wet weather predicted for tomorrow, we will not be running the Year 1/2 sports day in the morning. We would rather make the decision now, so we don’t mess anyone about in the morning. We will send out the new date tomorrow for you. Thank you for your understanding with this- never an easy decision!

Monday 19th June, 2023

Cake donations for Summer Fair please

Are you able to donate some cakes for the summer fair on Friday please? The cake stall is always very popular-homemade or shop bought but please can we ask for no nuts. Cakes to be dropped into school on Friday morning please (either into class or to the school office). Thank you!