
Friday 16th June, 2023

Sports Days and the Weather

Unfortunately, the weather is not looking great for next week when we have our Sports Days planned! We aim to run them all as planned but will let you know if we have to postpone any as soon as we can make the decision. Let’s keep our fingers crossed that the rain and storms stay way!

Friday 16th June, 2023

Sister Schools Teacher Exchange Visitors From Nepal

We are thrilled to be having four teachers from Nepal join us in school on Monday for two weeks through our work with Classrooms in the Clouds. They are coming to learn how we teach in the UK to take ideas back to their own schools in the Himalayas.
While they are here, they will also teach us about their schools and about life in Nepal. They will also be performing a traditional Nepali dance at our charity concert in Church on Wednesday 21st June. You can buy tickets via Parent Pay for this concert.
In the Easter holidays 2024, a number of our staff are going out to Nepal to visit schools there as part of our teacher exchange Sister Schools programme. (Please note, this is during the school holidays and staff fund this trip themselves- school does NOT pay towards this).
Wednesday 14th June, 2023

Charity Music Concert

Monday 12th June, 2023

Telford Soccer Sessions

Friday 9th June, 2023

Volunteer Gardener Needed

Can you spare anytime to help us keep on top of our gardening areas in school? Do you know someone who maybe is retired and would be happy to volunteer some time to us?
It could be just an hour a week or a couple of hours a month. As much or as little time as you can spare! This wouldn’t be to work with the children to do it, simply helping us to keep the garden areas looking lovely.
Please contact us at school if this is something you think you might be able to help with. Thank you!
Friday 9th June, 2023

Dog Poo Posters!

Look out for our fabulous dog poo posters that have been made into proper signs for the local community! Well done to the children who had their designs selected and thank you to The Safer and Stronger team for working with us on this.

Thursday 8th June, 2023

Word, Question and Music of the Week

Word of the week is estuary. We teach this word in geography. An estuary is a partially enclosed, coastal water body where freshwater from rivers and streams mixes with salt water from the ocean.
Music of the week is ‘I Dreamed a Dream’ from the theatre show/film Les Miserables.
Question of the week is: If you could be any animal what would it be and why?