
Thursday 8th June, 2023

Gardening Help Needed!

Can you spare anytime to help us keep on top of our gardening areas in school? Do you know someone who maybe is retired and would be happy to volunteer some time to us?
It could be just an hour a week or a couple of hours a month. As much or as little time as you can spare! This wouldn’t be to work with the children to do it, simply helping us to keep the garden areas looking lovely.
Please contact us at school if this is something you think you might be able to help with. Thank you!
Wednesday 7th June, 2023

Year 6 Spelling Bee

On Monday we held our Year 6 Spelling Bee (spelling competition). What a fantastic effort by everyone who took part! All of the children who chose to participate did really well, and we were very proud of them all.
A big well done goes to the rest of the Year 6 children too who were a brilliantly supportive audience!
The three finalists (see photo) had some VERY tricky words to spell!
Tuesday 6th June, 2023

Action for Happiness – June 2023

Wednesday 24th May, 2023

Duplo/Megabloks Appeal

We would like to start collecting Duplo and Megabloks in school for us to send out to the schools we support in rural Himalayan villages, in Nepal. If you have any that you no longer use, please drop into the school office.


Wednesday 24th May, 2023

Congratulations, Charlie!

Charlie has had a fantastic Adoption Day! He was handed a lovely new teddy from the Judge who he has named Rino the Rhino. Congratulations to Charlie and his lovely family.

Wednesday 24th May, 2023

30 Days Wild

Letters have been emailed out re 30 Days Wild. This is run by The Wildlife Trusts and as a school this is the 3rd year we have taken part.

There are 30 activities for you to partake in – one for each day during the month of June.

Below are the first 10 activities and I will post more as we go through June –

GO ON A SENSORY ADVENTURE – make it a mission to find one thing in nature you can see, hear, touch and smell.

. FIND A SPIKY LEAF – feel different textured leaves. Is it smooth and soft against your skin or rough and spiky?

. SMELL WILDFLOWERS AND HERBS – enjoy the delicate aroma of summer flowers and herbs.

. LISTEN TO WILD SOUNDS – can you hear bird song, crickets in the grass, buzzing bees or wind in the trees?

. HUG A TREE – trees give us clean air and store carbon, helping with climate change – we need to remember to love them back!

. WILDLIFE MEDITATION – take 10 minutes of mindfulness in nature – breathing exercises are encouraged!

. PLAY AN OUTDOOR GAME – think stuck in the mud, hide and seek or even a game of rounders.

. HAVE A PICNIC – enjoy a meal outdoors.

. TREASURE HUNT – create a list of things you want to find on a treasure hunt and head out for an hour to see how much you can cross off.

. MAKE A SPLASH – no sunshine? no problem! Splash in a puddle and shake your hips or arms in a rain shower.

Post any photos on Facebook or email them to school.

Happy wilding 😊



Wednesday 24th May, 2023

Thank You, Lakeside Garden Centre!

These seeds were given to school by Lakeside Garden Centre in Priorslee after being approached by our PTFA.

Mrs Humphries would like to thank both Lakeside and the PTFA. The children will have fun planting these in the wooden planters around school.