
Monday 15th June, 2020

Congratulations to Mrs Breakspeare!

We are thrilled to let you all know that Mrs Breakspeare has had a beautiful baby girl called Charlotte. I am sure you will all join us in wishing Mrs Breakspeare and her family all the very best and we can’t wait to meet Baby Charlotte.

Monday 15th June, 2020

A Special Prayer by Reverend Evans for our school community

The Special Prayer

Father God, help me to know today that I am special.

Not because of what I say or do.

Not because of what others say or do to me.

I am special because you love me.

And all the people around me are special too.

We are all special, because you love us all.


Monday 15th June, 2020

Oxford Owl

Oxford Owl is fantastic free resource with hundreds of online books. You can choose the perfect book for your child by selecting their Oxford Reading Level (their reading stage) and/ or their age.

To log onto this fabulous resource, simply follow this link  https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/library-page?view=image&query=&type=book&age_group=&level=oxford+level+1&level_select=oxford+level+1&book_type=&series=#

Select ‘Join Us’ and enter your details to set up your own login.

We hope that you have lots of fun sharing these wonderful books with your child!

Happy reading! 😊

Tuesday 9th June, 2020

Weekly Church Link

Each week Reverend Evans is going to send us something from Church to share with you via our website. It might be a special prayer or perhaps a thought for the week. This week he has sent us questions about this Trinity shape. Please open the attached document to see his questions.



Monday 8th June, 2020

Telford & Wrekin’s ‘Our Family Challenge’

Our Family Challenge

Telford and Wrekin have launched the above challenge. Have a look at the suggested activities above and see how many of them you can complete during June. We would then like you to post any photos and videos of your family completing the various challenges onto our school’s Facebook page using the hashtag #ourfamilychallenge

Monday 8th June, 2020

Food Bank Update

Update on our Food Bank
Thank you so much to everyone who has been able to support us to run the food bank during lock-down. We have been able to support over 25 families each week during this difficult time due to generous donations from individual families, organisations and local businesses. Thank you- we could not have done this without your help!
Our plan is to begin to wind down the food bank to finish the week beginning 13th July. Anything food items remaining at school that week will be donated to another local food bank.
We will help the families who have been using our food bank by giving them details of more sustainable food banks and organisations that may be able to offer them a range of services they need to help them get back on track.
Friday 5th June, 2020


A few weeks ago, we sent out a request asking for our school’s community to nominate our school to win a Storytelling Chair through ‘The School Playground Company’s’ Facebook page. We are delighted to announce that we WON!

Thank you so much to everyone who nominated us, we saw that some people even put some very complimentary comments alongside our nomination which didn’t go unnoticed. What a week for St George’s C of E Primary School! We are looking forward to our large delivery soon!

Thank you for your support.

Friday 5th June, 2020

Prayer for our school family

Thank you to Reverend Kevin Evans for writing a prayer for our school family at this time when some children are coming back to school and others are at home.
Father God.
We thank you that things are getting better and that we can start going back to school.
We look forward to seeing our friends and the school staff again.
Help us to remember that we have to still keep each other safe.
Help us to do all we can to keep making things better.
We look forward to the day when we can all be back with each other to learn and laugh and live together in the best way we can.
Thursday 4th June, 2020

Children coming into school

Hi Everyone,

If your child is coming into school, please could you also ensure that your child has clothes that will keep them warm in the classrooms in all weathers. Following guidance, we have to keep the doors and windows open to ventilate rooms and it can be quite cool in some of the rooms, especially in the mornings. We need the beautiful sunshine to come back!

Thank you.