
Tuesday 18th July, 2023

Church Service

Well done to all the children in Reception, Year 1, 3 and 5 for their wonderful behaviour at our Church service this morning. They sang their hearts out and we saw some lovely artwork. Some children also shared poems and prayers. What a great way to celebrate the school year.
Don’t forget the other half of school (Years 2/4/6) will be in Church on Friday at 9.30am. Parents and carers are very welcome to join us!
Tuesday 18th July, 2023

Inclusion Newsletter Summer Term 2023

Within this term’s newsletter, we have included different services you may like to access over the six week holidays.

We hope you all have a fabulous Summer break and we look forward to seeing you again in September.

Inclusion Newsletter 3

Tuesday 18th July, 2023

Mentor Award

Huge well done to Miss Mogg who has won an award for mentoring trainee teachers. Very well deserved!

Friday 14th July, 2023

FREE maths course for children over the summer holidays!

The Maths Factor Summer adventure is a FREE online course
aimed at helping children (aged 4 11) boost their maths confidence
and be ready for the Autumn term.
Summer adventure is a 6week course which includes Carol
Vorderman’s easy to follow video lessons and lots of practice to
help children progress.
The Maths Factor Course normally costs £49.99 for a full year’s
subscription but this summer course is FREE. use this link below to register
Thursday 13th July, 2023

Church Music Concert Sat 15th July

Another boring Saturday night in front of the telly?
Come and listen to some great singing instead at St. Georges Church. One choir two soloists and only £5 (under 16’s free!)
Hadley Orpheus Male Choir – Sheila Smith
and introducing; Joshua Quinton Griffin.
7:00pm this Saturday 15th July.
Wednesday 12th July, 2023

Silver Award

We are thrilled to have gained the silver award for attachment aware and trauma informed practice in Telford & Wrekin.

Silver Award Certificate 2023

Tuesday 11th July, 2023

Congratulations Heidi!⚽🏆

A huge well done to Heidi in Year 2 who has been picked to play for Shrewsbury Town ETC Under 8 girls next season! What an incredible achievement and a fantastic opportunity!

Well done Heidi, we are so proud of you!


Monday 10th July, 2023

Online Safety Monthly Newsletter

As a school, we are always looking out for ways to help you navigate your way through the online world and to keep your children safe.

We now subscribe to a monthly newsletter.

July’s edition can be found here.

It contains useful hints to help you keep your child safe and become better informed about the sites and apps that your child may use. Thank you for taking the time to read it.

Friday 7th July, 2023

Reception Induction Morning 13th July


We are welcoming our new reception children to come and have their induction morning on Thursday 13th July. The start and finish times vary for each class (please see below). May we ask that you do your best to stick to these times to ensure a smooth start and finish. We look forward to seeing you all next week! 😊

Mrs Croft’s class: 9:10am – 11:10am

Mrs Bridgwater’s class: 9:20am – 11:20am

Mrs McEvoy’s class: 9:30am – 11:30am