
Friday 22nd May, 2020

Thank you Telford Centre Rotary Club!

Thank you to Telford Centre Rotary Club who sent us another cheque today for £500 towards our Food Bank. What fantastic community spirit!

Friday 22nd May, 2020

Re-opening for more pupils up-date 22.5.20

Following scientific evidence and through our own risk assessments, St George’s will not open to reception children as planned on 3rd June and it is unlikely nursery will start on 8th June. It is important to wait to see what guidance we will now be given nationally and locally. We do not want to rush this decision as everyone’s safety is vital. We will keep you all updated when we know more. We will continue to provide childcare for key worker families. Thank you for your patience

Wednesday 20th May, 2020

Thank you!

A huge thank you to Chris Barnard from Visor-Bikes who donated some visors for possible first aid use today.

Tuesday 19th May, 2020

Nursery Hours

Good Morning, I hope you are all safe and well, to clarify the hours your child/children can do at nursery upon reopening-

  • If your child attends for 30 hours they can attend nursery for 30 hour sessions doing full days.
  • If your child attends nursery for 15 hours (mornings/afternoons/two and a half days) they can attend morning sessions only.

Please follow the guidance on the information letter (dated 18th May) to confirm whether you intend to send your child in to school or not by emailing admin@stgeorgesschool.org.uk to enable school to be as prepared as possible.

Many Thanks.


Monday 18th May, 2020

Can You Set A New Guiness World Record!?! 🥇🏆

Calling all St. Georges Children … there is a super exciting opportunity for you to become a Guiness World Record Holder!

Are you the quickest with times tables? Now is your opportunity to prove it!

I suggest lots of practise on TTRS first and then follow the directions on the attached letter to enter. You have until Thursday 4th June to submit your entry.

Guinness World Records – TT Rock Stars


Good luck & Rock on! 😁🤞

Mrs Morris