
Tuesday 5th May, 2020


We hope that know you can call or email us at school if you need help in anyway. Here are some helplines that you may need if you prefer not to talk to us directly.

We do hope you are all keeping safe and well.

Monday 4th May, 2020

Community Competition

Telford Priory school is running a writing competition for all ages to enter. Please read on to find out more…

If you live in the local area, love writing and are up for a challenge, please enter our community competition! The slide link below has an example of a story we have already been sent. There will be a prize for the winner and you can enter as many times as you wish, there is no age limit – open to all! You can email, send in photos or post all entries. Please email them to Clare.Tabberer@taw.org.uk.

Good luck everyone!


Lockdown Community Comp


Monday 4th May, 2020

Jessica’s Mum Reading a Story

Thank you so much to one of our parents, Jessica’s mummy, for taking the time to read everyone a story.

Monday 4th May, 2020

Prayer for our school community

Thank you to everyone who joined us on Friday for the live family quiz, hosted superbly once again by Mr Porteous. At the end of the quiz, Mr Porteous read a lovely prayer written for us by Rev’d Evans so we thought we would share it again today for everyone.
Prayer for Family Quiz
Loving God, we thank you for the fun that we have had today. We thank you for all that we have discovered and all that we have shared.
We thank you that when we are puzzled and unsure we can come to you with our questions and worries and that you help us find the answers.
We thank you that we have found answers to our problems in this difficult time together. We have discovered acts of kindness, gifts of generosity, of time, of love and joy.
Help us to stay positive and hopeful, loving and helpful together with each other and with you.
Sunday 3rd May, 2020

Home learning

We just wanted to say a huge well done to all our parents. It’s fantastic to see all the activities you are doing at home with the children. Teachers are continuing to set activities for you to try at home in the classroom section of the website.

If you or your child wants to try to do some lessons online, there is a ‘virtual school’ available where you can watch and do lessons with your child.


There are lessons organised into year groups and subjects. Each lesson is about half an hour long with a short quiz before and after the lesson. If you find a lesson too tricky, you can go back to the previous year group lesson to boost your child’s confidence-remember the important thing is that you’re all doing the best you can.

Stay safe.