
Thursday 23rd April, 2020

St George’s Day Video

Well done to everyone for making such an effort to celebrate St George’s Day. It has been lovely to see all of the effort you have put into this project. Fantastic!

Wednesday 22nd April, 2020

Mrs Annett’s Red Dragon Pie

Thank you to Mrs Annett for this Red Dragon Pie recipe- just in time for St George’s Day tomorrow!

Wednesday 22nd April, 2020

Online safety

Below is a link to a game for children which has hints and tips for staying safe online. It has a short game, then questions to answer to get rewards. It is aimed at KS2 children, however you can also play it alongside younger children, helping them to read the questions and discussing the answers.


The website it comes from – https://www.thinkuknow.co.uk/ has many resources to help both you and your child navigate the online world carefully.



Monday 20th April, 2020

St George’s Day Work

Don’t forget we would like to see work this week from our children about St George and St George’s Day. Children can do anything they like- writing, pictures, designing a dragon, etc. Anything! Please see the previous post for more details. Well done to Ronnie and Reggie who have already sent in a photo of a picture they have done together at home.

Monday 20th April, 2020

Well done Sophie!

Well done to Sophie C in Y5 for winning a ‘design a scrunchie’ competition. She entered at home with her fantastic NHS themed design. We are most impressed Sophie!

Monday 20th April, 2020

Food donations needed again please.

We are really pleased that a growing number of families have received food parcels in the past week. We now know that we will need more donations coming in in order to continue this service to our school community. If you feel you are able to contribute, please drop any donations in the box which will be outside the main school office each day from 8am-3.30pm. Any food and toiletry donations would be gratefully received. Many thanks for your continued support- we know your help with this has made a huge difference to some of our families already.