Art club in year 1 ???

Today we painted the clay pots we made last week!

St George’s Got Talent! 🏆

A HUGE well done to all of the participants of St George’s Got Talent! We saw a range of excellent performances and we are super proud of everyone involved. A massive shout out to the Year 4 children who participated. Your hard work and commitment to improving yourselves week in, week out is commendable. Well done, all!

Transition and Change

As your child prepares to move to a new class in September or for a whole change of school completely, you may notice a change in their behaviour. Your child may experience some anxiety about the changes that are approaching.

Young Minds have a useful website with lots of tips on how to support your child through these changes. Click here: Transitions, Change & Mental Health | Parents Guide | YoungMinds

Duplo and Mega Blok Appeal for Nepal

If you have any Duplo or Mega Bloks, please drop into school so that our Nepali visiting teachers can take them back to Nepal with them at the end of next week. Thank you!

Sports day

The children have really enjoyed practising the races this week.

We have everything crossed that the weather holds out!

Please make sure they have sun cream, a sun hat, and a water bottle in school on Monday.

Raising a Resilient Child

Resilience is the ability to do well despite challenges in life. It helps us adapt successfully and bounce back from adversity, failure, conflict and disappointment. When faced with challenges and difficulties, resilient children still experience anger, grief and pain. But they can function and recover.

Resilient children also tend to persist in the face of a difficult task, know when to ask for help and are more able to tolerate failure. They can be confident in their own lovability and value too, which helps with good self-esteem.  .

Coronation Crazy!

Reception have had a fantastic week learning all about King Charles III and what a coronation ceremony is like. After some discussion, we decided it would be like a very exciting assembly with one person getting the ultimate star of the week award!

We had a super coronation lunch on Friday and spent the afternoon dancing, playing musical soldiers and enjoying some party food.


4H have had a very successful afternoon with Madame Sohier. They learned a song about jungle animals in French and performed it with actions. Their performance was so good that Mrs Sixsmith gave them ALL a Headteacher’s Award sticker!  Well done 4H!

A snake skin in 1B! 🐍🐍🐍

Today Anna brought in a snakeskin to show us all. It was from her dad’s snake! It was very interesting, Anna knew lots about it. 🐍

Well done Anna!

Easter School Fun! 🐣

We would like to say a huge well done to all of the Year 6 children who attended Easter School this week! Your attitude to your learning was exemplary – we are so proud of you! 🌟🥰