Emotional Wellbeing Displays

At St George’s, every classroom has an emotions board for the children to track how they are feeling. The children can move their names to the word/picture displaying how they are feeling in that moment. This enables the staff to support any children who may be sad or worried but may not want to come and approach an adult. Other emotions often displayed are happy, excited, poorly, annoyed. Every emotion board is unique to that class but with the same idea behind them.

See some of our emotions boards below:

Spelling and Phonics! ✏

This week in Year 2 we have started spelling and phonic groups. The children requiring additional practise with their reading will continue with phonic sessions. From next Friday (23rd September), they will also bring home a phonics book that matches the sounds they are learning in school. They will keep this book until the following Friday so that they can practise the sounds and develop their fluency.

The children not continuing with phonics will move on to the year 2 spelling programme. If your child is in one of the spelling groups, they will bring home spellings as part of their homework. Please support them with learning their words at home. They will be tested on these words on Friday.

Thanks for your support.

If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact us on: year2team@stgeorgesschool.org.uk.


Phonics at St George’s

Next week, we will be starting our phonics programme which is called ‘Little Wandle’. Below is a link to the Little Wandle website where you can find out lots of information, including the correct pronunciation of the phonemes and the order they are taught.

Next week, we will be starting with the phonemes (sounds) s,a,t,p.


The Greatest Show! 🌟🌟🌟

Wow! What an incredible performance by the Year 6 children last night in church!

You blew us away with your amazing singing, dancing and acting! ⭐πŸ₯° What a talented bunch you are! A huge well done to you all! πŸ‘πŸ‘πŸ‘

Not only that, but your attitude towards the production has been outstanding. You have worked so hard to put this show on – learning lines at home, giving 100% to each and every rehearsal, singing and dancing your hearts out, coming to the performance after school … the list goes on and on! And to top it all off, you had to adapt to a change of performance venue at the very last minute, which you all took in your stride!

We are so incredibly proud of you ❀ It has been a wonderful ending to a wonderful year ❀ Thank you for being such a fantastic Year Six! πŸ₯°

Finally, a huge thank you again to parents and carers for your support throughout the year πŸ™ πŸ™πŸ™ You have been truly amazing! πŸ₯°

Here are a few pictures from the show last night! 😊



End of Year Church Service

Reminder: All children in Reception-Year 6 will be going to Church for our special service on Thursday 21st July at 9.30am. Parents and carers are very welcome to join us but please note that it may be busy and we cannot guarantee seating for all.

Last swimming session is on tomorrow for children in Years 3-5.

Last swimming session is on tomorrow for children in Years 3-5.

Fantastic SATS Results! πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

well done - Clip Art Library


We would like to say a huge well done to the whole of Year Six for their fantastic SATS results. Your hard work, effort and attitude to learning has paid off and we are so proud of each and every one of you! πŸ₯°πŸ₯°

Year 6 Enterprise Morning!


Wow! What a wonderful morning we’ve had in Year 6! Our Enterprise Morning has been fabulous, with the children running some absolutely fantastic stalls 😊

We have been blown away with the fantastic attitude and behaviour of all of the children today – you have been a total credit to yourselves and to St George’s! Well done! ⭐⭐

Could we also say a huge thank you to all of the parents and carers! As always, we are so grateful for your support- we really do appreciate it! πŸ™πŸ₯°


Digital Camera


Digital Camera


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Parenting advice and support

Below is a link to an extremely useful website for parents to access for advice on a huge range of topics from helping children who struggle to sleep to co-parenting after a separation. They provide useful, practical tips to support both adults and children’s wellbeing as well as children’s behaviour. Other topics included are:

  • Using praise and rewards
  • Sibling rivalry
  • Nurturing talents
  • Peer Pressure
  • My child pushes my buttons
  • My child is lying
  • My child says no to everything
  • Keeping my child safe online
  • Reading with your child




Jubilee Street Party Picnic

We had a fantastic Jubilee celebration day in school last week, including having our street party style Jubilee picnic. We had an official photographer in school for the day and he will making a proper film for us but here is a sneak peek at some of the drone shots that were taken.