Music in Year 6 🎡

We have had so much fun with our music in Year 6! The children have had a fantastic time learning about lots of different musical features in our topic of ‘Growth’…3-pulse beats, musical texture, ostinato and flash mob to name but a few! Here are some pictures of the fabulous work that they have been doing! 😊

Art Club! πŸ–ŒπŸ–ŒπŸ–ŒπŸ–ŒπŸ–Œ

Thank you to the children who attended art club tonight! We had a lovely time sketching and using water colour to create springtime flower pictures.

Author Visit to School!

Today, we were visited by local author Sarah Griffiths, who shared her latest books ‘Finding Stones for Grandma’ and ‘When the Fireflies Came’. The children had a wonderful time listening to her stories, joining in with interactive sessions and learning more about what it is like to be an author. It was fantastic to see how inspired the children were after her visit, with lots of children sharing ideas of the stories that they were now going to write themselves!



Brazil and The Amazon Rainforest Projects

Here are some of our fantastic Geography projects which we created for our homework on ‘Brazil and The Amazon Rainforest!

Romero Britto Artwork 🎨

The children in Year 6 have been working really hard on their art topic this half term. They have been focussing on the work of Brazilian artist Romero Britto, and have built up a portfolio of art based upon his work. Here are some examples of the wonderful finished pieces that the children have created! 😊

Happy Thursday everyone! 🀩

We hope that you are all well and working hard at home. 😁

Here are some things for you to do today.

This week is National Story Telling Week. Think about your favourite book. What do you like about it? Who is your favourite character? Draw your favourite character. Think about the work we did using adjectives. Can you label your character using adjectives?

Now have a go at reading and understanding. Read the text and draw what it tells you.

read and draw (more difficult)

Practise your handwriting. ✏✏✏✏✏✏✏

handwriting h, b, p, n, m.

Enjoy your day and remember to keep up with your reading! πŸ“•πŸ“šπŸ“•πŸ“šπŸ“•



Happy Tuesday!🀩

We hope that you are all ok at home! 😎

Have a go at drawing your favourite character for the book The Three Little Pigs.🐷🐷🐷  While you are drawing talk to someone at home about the character, what colour is he? What’s his nose like? Does he have long legs. When you have drawn your character, write a description of him. Remember to use lots of adjectives.

We are counting accurately up to 50. Have a go at the worksheet after you have counted to 100 and exercised!

count to 100


We hope that you have a great day! Remember to keep reading and practising your spellings. πŸ‘πŸ˜

Year 3 – Monday Work

Good morning, we hope the children who are at home are not feeling too unwell, here is some work for you to complete if you are feeling up to it.


In literacy we are reading about and celebrating Chinese new year! Please follow the link below for a Chinese new year reading activity.

Chinese new year reading comp


We are continuing our work around money. Today we are adding values together to create a total.


Add money powerpoint


Don’t forget to practise your times tables on TTR’s too!

This afternoon we will be creating a Chinese new year craft.

Follow the link below for a range of Chinese New Year craft activities:


As always, please send through any of your creative work.

Best wishes,

Year 3 Team

Bag 2 School

Bag 2 School Collection Reminder

We are again working with the company Bag 2 School to raise money for our school. We do this by asking families to bring in donations of unwanted clothing (see below). Bag 2 School pay us per kilo so the more we give them, the more money we get for school.

Bag 2 School want good quality items for re-use:

Men’s, ladies’ & children’s clothing, paired shoes, handbags, belts & accessories.

(No uniforms, workwear, pillows, duvets, bed linen, curtains, towels, soft toys or pieces of fabric please as Bag 2 School will not accept these items).

Please can any bags of donations be brought into school (please leave outside the main school office) on Friday 28th January. Please do not bring donations in earlier than this as we do not have storage space here.

Bag 2 School no longer provide plastic bags for us to use so please use bin bags.

This is an easy and effective way to raise money for our school so please pass this information onto family and friends so we can collect as many donations as we can! Thanks for your support.

Mrs Sally Sixsmith

Head Teacher



Yoga 🧘

We often think about our children’s wellbeing but what about yours?

Yoga is a good way to take some time out to focus on your own mental health and wellbeing. See the many benefits of yoga in the picture below.


Here are some documents showing different yoga poses to help get you started.

t2-t-798-balasana-childrsquos-resting-pose-ndash-adult-yoga-information-cards_ver_2 t2-t-799-savasana-relaxation-pose-ndash-adult-yoga-information-cards t2-t-800-tadasana-standing-mountain-pose-ndash-adult-yoga-information-cards