Children’s Digital Wellbeing πŸ’»

It is not unusual for today’s children to spend quite a lot of time on computers, phones, tablets etc…

But how can this affect their mental health and wellbeing?

Below is a useful document to help understand the impact media can have on our wellbeing and what we can do to improve this.


Life After Covid19- Is your child worried about this?

Many of our younger children do not remember what like was like before Covid. They are used to mask-wearing, lockdowns, restrictions and precautions we take as part of our everyday life. Some of our slightly older children may remember what ‘normality’ was like and may feel worried or anxious about what their life may look like when all restrictions are dropped.

Here are some useful activities you can do with your child to help them cope with our every-changing world.

Letting Go and Future plans

Lockdown reflection

Something to look forward to

World War 2 – The Blitz

As part of our current history topic on World War 2, we learned all about the Blitz over the major cities. We discussed the use of shelters, air raid sirens, the evacuation of children and measures to stay safe at this time. We then looked and recreated the iconic photograph of St Paul’s Cathedral using pencil, charcoal and watercolour. Year 6 are thoroughly enjoying learning all about this time.

Is your child worried about a change coming up?

Adults and children can often find changes in their life challenging to cope with. Whether it be moving classes, a friend leaving school, a house move or even a change to their daily routine.

The resource below, created by MIND and Twinkl, is a useful document to help you support your child through a change if they are worrying or feeling anxious about an upcoming change. They provide lots of different exercises to try as well as ideas as to who else you can talk to for guidance.




Good morning year 1! 🀩

Good morning all of you which are at home. We hope you are not feeling too poorly.

In literacy we are looking at adjectives. Have a go at the worksheet. 🐻🐻🐻


We are practising counting in twos in numeracy. 0️⃣2️⃣4️⃣6️⃣8οΈβƒ£πŸ”Ÿ

cut and stick twos

In PSHE we are looking at similarities and differences between each other. Find a friend and have a go at the activity.

Similar and different

Have a good day! 😊

World Science Day!

We have had a wonderful time today celebrating World Science Day! We enjoyed learning about different famous scientists and finished the day off with our own experiment – fruit volcanoes! πŸ‹πŸŠ

This involved using citric fruit, bicarbonate of soda, food colouring and washing up liquid to create a fantastic volcanic explosion! 😊😁

Arthog Outreach! 😊

Before half term, the children in Year 6 enjoyed some fantastic canoeing sessions as part of Arthog Outreach. They were brilliant at picking up new skills, showed great team- working skills and were a total credit to St George’s! Well done everyone! πŸ˜ŠπŸ‘πŸŒŸ

Black History Month

Here is some of the wonderful work that the children in Year 6 have produced as part of our work on Black History Month 🌟🌟🌟

Digital Camera

Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera
Digital Camera

Mountains β›°πŸ—»πŸ”

We have absolutely loved our Geography topic of ‘Mountains’ this half term! 😊

This week, we have been writing a biography of Edmund Hillary (the first man to successfully conquer Mount Everest!). The children have worked so hard to produce some fantastic writing 🌟🌟🌟

