Spelling in Year 6 😊

Spellings | The Academy of Cuxton Schools

Your child will bring home spellings as part of their homework.

Please support them with learning these words at home.

If you have any questions about spelling, your child’s teacher will be happy to help 😊

Egyptian Pots in Year 6 😊

As part of our Ancient Egyptian topic, the children in Year 6 have been designing and making canopic pots. Here are some examples of the fabulous pots that they have created! 😍



A Big Well Done to Year 6! 😊

A Job Well Done - Invista

This week, the children in Year 6 have done lots of PSHE work, finishing with a fantastic Crucial Crew session today. We wanted to say a massive ‘Well Done!’ to all of the children for the wonderfully mature, sensible and responsible attitude that they have displayed during all of the sessions this week. You all make us very proud! 😊

Year 6 History Projects! 😊

As part of our Ancient Egyptian topic, the children in Year 6 created projects about different elements of Ancient Egypt for homework. This week, they have presented their projects and we have been blown away by the incredibly high standard of their work!

Well done, Year 6! You are amazing! 🌟🌟🌟



Collective Worship

Mrs Sixsmith was preparing for collective worship in the hall today with the Year 1 bubble. We are all very happy to be able to gather together, in our bubbles, once again. Hopefully, this is the beginning of assemblies returning to how they used to be!

Sacred Spaces

Year 4 have been designing and making sacred places in their RE lesson. They are designing rooms for different religions to share for worship.

Joyful June Calendar

‘Every day may not be good but there is something good in every day’

This month’s theme is all about finding the joy in life, even when things are difficult. Have a look at the calendar and see how much joy you can find around you by following the different actions for each day.

Action for Happiness Calendar


#Sing2G7 Rehearsal

Some children from the Year 5 choir bubble took part in an online rehearsal with choirs from around the world via Zoom.

We are fortunate enough to have been invited to work along side the Truro Cathedral Choristers to perform a song specially written for the G7 summit 2021.

Mindfulness for Children 😊

Three Benefits of Mindfulness for Children

Studies show that the benefits of mindfulness for children may include:

1. Increased focus, attention, self-control, classroom participation, compassion.

2. Improved academic performance, ability to resolve conflict, overall well-being.

3. Decreased levels of stress, depression, anxiety, disruptive behaviour.


Below are some activities you may want to try with your child:

Mindfulness colouring: Colouring Sheet

Yoga: (116) Kids Yoga For Mental Health 🌈 Yoga Club (Week 40) | Cosmic Kids Yoga – YouTube

Meditation: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZBnPlqQFPKs

Walk and Draw: go for a walk and stop and draw what you can see.




Children in school have been hearing all about Pentecost in Collective Worship, as we draw close to the Whitsun half term holiday.  What a fantastic, exciting part of the Bible story!