Easter Cross Competition

Thank you to everyone who entered the competition to design an Easter cross. Here are some of the winners and winning entries…

Easter Message from Rev. Kevin

Easter Message from Rev. Kevin.

Looking out and seeing the flowers, walking about and feeling the warmth of the sun and a soft gentle breeze instead of a chilly blast all adds to the feeling that spring is here and with it Easter. New life, new beginnings, the plants and trees and birds and bees waking up from their winter slumber, Happy Easter indeed!

But Easter is more than that in the Christian faith. I know many people would prefer Easter without the ‘death bit’. Isn’t it better without?

Easier to live with perhaps but missing the point entirely.

Celebration is great but what if we forget what we are celebrating?

Many of us will have been concerned about the gathering of mainly young people in a park in Birmingham. Although some were still trying to stick to the rule of six a lot were not. It was just great to be out and about again so why not celebrate?

Celebrate yes, but let’s not forget what we have been through and what it has cost in terms of lives lost and hard work and dedication. That would be ungrateful and disrespectful. We hope never to go back to that place again but if we forget that place exists and what it was like, then we will.

Easter celebrates the victory of Jesus over death and sin for all of us. Each year we remember not just what Easter brings but what it cost.

Happy Easter! Let’s celebrate all that it is.

Easter Egg Donations

Thank you to the whole school community for your generous donations. Our local  charity Maninplace and PRH Children’s Ward will be receiving lots of delicious goodies to help celebrate Easter this year.

Palm Crosses

This week, your child will be bringing home a palm cross, which has been kindly provided by St Georges Church. Every year, at our Easter Service, the children receive this symbol that represents Jesus’ entry in to Jerusalem. Unfortunately, due to Covid 19, we are unable to congregate in the church this year. But rest assured, we will be celebrating Easter in school, in our bubbles, instead!

Roman Mosaics

The children have been working hard on their mosaics. They had a lot of fun making them!

The Colours of the Church Year

This fantastic display in the hall keeps us all up to date with the Christian calendar. As Lent draws to an end, the children and staff are looking forward to our Easter Celebrations in school!

Self Esteem Activity for EYFS, KS1 and KS2

Improving children’s self-esteem can sometimes be challenging. Self-esteem helps children cope with mistakes. It helps them to try again, even if they fail at first. Self-esteem helps children to do better at school, at home, and with friends. Children with low self-esteem often feel unsure of themselves.

Below is an example of a self esteem activity you could do with your child to help create a positive conversation about how they feel about themselves.

Choose below the relevant age group to find a sheet suitable for them😊




Our Fantastic Year 6 Home Artwork! 😊🐉🌟

The children at home have also produced some incredible artwork relating to our ‘Dragon’ theme for World Book Day! Here are some of the stunning pieces of artwork based upon famous Dragon characters from different books ⭐

World Book Day in Year 6! 📚😊

The children in year 6 have all had a brilliant time celebrating World Book Day today, both at home and in school. 😊